The supporting characters are colorful and the foodie and book details add a good dimension.
That being said, I really do not care for the heroine of the series. Trish Miles of all the characters just doesn't click for me. She gives the impression that she's so much better than the others. The things that the other characters do for her are met with sarcasm (albeit in her thoughts) and she seems to be ungrateful for the small niceties that people do for her.
She just rubs me the wrong way.
Nothing her part time boyfriend says or does is right, and her sister can't seem to be the sister Trish wants her to be, even though she has a very strong personality herself.
I may read another installment in the series if I come across it, but I won't seek it out. There are so many other books out there with characters I do enjoy reading about.
It's quite a coup when Tricia manages to snag reclusive writer Zoë Carter for a book signing, but she has good reason to change her mind when Carter's body is found in the book shop restroom. Once again town sheriff Wendy Adams has an excuse to make Tricia's life miserable, and Tricia knows that the only way she'll be able to re-open Haven't Got a Clue is to conduct her own investigation.
Reading Bookmarked for Death is a good way to spend a pleasant afternoon. There's nothing too complicated going on, and although the characterization is a bit stereotypical, I enjoy these people. Tricia is very likable, I want to choke her sister occasionally, and I sincerely hope that Stoneham gets rid of its sheriff. Wendy Adams is the one character that brings this series down for me.
When I first began to read a high percentage of mysteries, a lot of the books I read were cozies like this. My reading tastes have gradually changed over the years, and now the mysteries I read are mainly police procedurals and darker fare. However, from time to time I enjoy reading something that's not so complicated-- something light and fun. This is one of the wonderful things about mysteries: they cover such a broad spectrum that, no matter your mood, you can find a whodunit that will fill the bill.
When you're in the mood for something light, something with a good sense of humor, try Lorna Barrett's Booktown mystery series. They should hit the spot!
Barret has a good writing style - is easy to read - plots have unexpected twists - a good group of characters - some you will like and some you may not.
Each book has real receipes in the back - which correlate to foods mentioned within the book.
I "think" there are 7 books in this series - I will be sad to read the last one. Looking forward to book number 3...