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The Eclectic Pen - Just a Book on a Shelf

By: Susan G. (fb493)  
Date Submitted: 3/25/2016
Genre: Children's Books » Ages 4-8
Words: 243

  I’m just a book on a shelf and I sit here and see
the children coming over to look for me.

How I long to be found, checked out and home bound
by a child who is eager to be my special company.

Do they know I am creative, funny & smart?
That my pages are chock full of stories and colorful art?

Do they know I’ve been chosen down through past ages
because I bring laughter and smiles to all kinds of faces?

How can I teach them their numbers, their letters, their reading?
Do they not notice me patiently waiting & pleading?

I can take them on trips with just a turn of a page.
Introduce them to heroes and performers of stage?

Do they know I can help them fulfill all of their dreams?
To give them the wisdom of powerful kings and queens?

How can they know my words have worth and inspires
and that knowledge is something that never expires?

How can I prove that this is all true?
Choose me and you’ll know upon your review!

I promise I won’t yawn or look tired or bored
I’d much rather be with you than on my shelf stored & ignored.

Hey wait! Can it be? Children looking at me?
Children no bigger than the cute age of three?

Oh yes! I am thrilled! They are coming my way!
This has to be my lucky day!

After all…

I am just a book on a shelf and I sit here and see
The children coming over to read… ME!!

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Susan G. (fb493)

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Linda W. (mslinda1942) - 2/4/2017 10:17 AM ET
This is just adorable.
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