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Topic: *** Book Deals, Offers, Bookshelf Promotions ***

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Subject: *** Book Deals, Offers, Bookshelf Promotions ***
Date Posted: 12/11/2008 10:55 AM ET
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Please post your book deals, offers and bookshelf promotions here!

Deals, offers and promotions in the main thread may be deleted without warning.

LesleyH avatar
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Date Posted: 1/3/2009 3:59 PM ET
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I have some books on Catholic and/or Christian subjects that were given to us over the years and have just posted them.  I am offering them 2 for 1, or I would be willing to consider other deals as well.  Please PM me if interested.  Here are the titles:

Friends are Friends Forever, and Other Encouragements From God's Word, by Michael W. Smith

Just Between God & Me, by Sandra Drescher (this one is posted without an ISBN, but is a cloth hardback)

Wired to Win: You Don't Need to Settle for Less Than God's Best, by Bill Ritchie

Bridges to Heaven: How Well-Known Seekers Define and Deepen Their Connection With God, by Jonathan Robinson

Apocalypse Code, by Hal Lindsey

The Signature of God: Astonishing Biblical Discoveries, by Grant R. Jeffrey

The Queen of Peace Visits Medugorje, by Joseph A. Peletier (this is posted without an ISBN and is a paperback)

Power for LIving, by Jamie Buckingham

The Last Crusade, by Thomas W. Petrisko

Last Edited on: 1/3/09 4:19 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Lambie avatar
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Date Posted: 1/6/2009 1:12 PM ET
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MadSciMel avatar
Subject: practical astrology
Date Posted: 1/13/2009 1:43 PM ET
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practical astrology :: suzanne smither
ISBN-13: 156792 - ISBN-10:
Posted: 9/28/2008 12:46 PM ET


free with any order from my shelf!  just pm me and let me know what you ordered

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Date Posted: 1/15/2009 9:08 PM ET
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From 1/15/09 until 1/21/09 I am offering 4 for 1 on all Christian, children, and romance books. You may mix and match as you please. I have WAY to many books and need to make room so I am blowing them out!!!!  **** All Beverly Lewis and romance hardback books are EXCLUDED in the 4 for 1 offer*****.

Just order the first book and PM me the other 3 you want for free. If for some reason one of the books you want has already been taken your credit will be refunded IMMEDIATELY.......... Literally within hours as I am on the site several times a day. Once I refund your credit I will send you a PM telling you which books or book you wanteded is no longer available. This should not be a problem as all books will be removed as soon as an order is placed but just wanted to mention it just in case.

P.S. I also just posted about 30 new hardbacks in mint condition with authors such as John Grisham, Nora Roberts, Micheal Crichton, etc..... but these are still one for one only. Just wanted to mention it in case anyone is looking for such books in mint condition.

Last Edited on: 1/15/09 9:24 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Subject: A Guide to the Dolphin Divination Cards
Date Posted: 2/15/2009 1:14 PM ET
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sunnybrookgal avatar
Subject: 19 titles! Catholic books, make me an offer
Date Posted: 3/3/2009 10:41 PM ET
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All are hardcover. Some of the Dj's are worn, books themselves are pristine. Make me an offer, I would really like to get rid of these in one big lot or in a few lots, not piecemeal, so I am open to deals. I just don't ahve room to store them any more. I have listed titles below, most aren't posted on my shelf because they don't have ISBNs and I am being lazy, LOL:) Please PM me if interested!

The Remarkable Cure of Ars by Michel de Saint Pierre: story of the life of St. John Vianney


St. Peter the Apostle, by William Thomas Walsh


Larger than the Sky, story of James Cardinal Gibbons


Francis, Biography of the Saint of Assisi


Saint in the Wilderness: the life of St. Isaac Jogues (Glenn Kittler)


To Light a Candle, the Autobiography of James Keller, Founder of the Christophers


Men In Sandals (Richard Madden, O C D)


Father Flanagan of Boys Town (Fulton and Will Oursler)


A Man Named John, The Life of Pope John XXIII (Alden Hatch)


The 10 below are Catholic Family Book Club books, sort of like a Catholic Reader's Digest Condensed book. Most of the titles in each book are full books, a few are excerpts from longer works. If you wish to know more, PM me.


Red Shoes for Nancy (Marguerite Hamilton), Mr. Blue (Myles Connolly), On Leave from Heaven (Abel Moreau) The Ear of God (Patrick Peyton, C. S. C.)


Heart in Pilgrimage (Evelyn Eaton and Edward Roberts Moore), The Boo of Mary (Henri Daniel-Rops), As the Clock Struck twenty (S. M. C.) Tales of a Flier’s Faith (Ed Mack Miller)


Only One Heart (Sister Patricia Jean, S.L.), God Made Little Apples (John Sheridan), The Man Who Sang When He Suffered-St. John of the Cross (Frances Parkinson Keyes), four excerpts from Stop Pushing! (Dan Herr)


The Lilies of the Field (William Barrett) A Family on Wheels (Maria Augusta Trapp) St Teresa of Avila (John Beevers), The Bishop’s Beggar (Stephen Vincent Benet)


The Emperor and the Pope (E E Y Hales), Pierre Toussaint (Arthur and Elizabeth Sheehan), The Song at the Scaffold (Gertrud von Le Fort), Now and at the Hour (Robert Cormier)


The Search for Saint Therese (Peter-Thomas Rohrbach, O. C. D.), Shadows and Images (Meriol Trevor), excerpts from Catholic Viewpoints on Education (Neil McCluskey, S. J.), excerpts from The Snake Has All the Lines (Jean Kerr)


Padre Pio (Oscar de Liso), Sorrow Built a Bridge (Katherine Burton), La Conquistadora (Fray Angelico Chavez), Isaac Thomas Hecker (Hilda Graef)


Blithe Sprits (Dan Herr and Joel Wells) Miracle at Carville (Betty Martin) The Unanswerable Argument of Blood (William Thomas Walsh) An Invitation Heeded, Francis Parkinson Keyes (John O’Brien)


Saint Catherine Laboure of the Miraculous Medal (Joseph Dirvin, C. M.) A Memoir of Mary Ann (Dominican Nuns) Life with My Mary (Joseph Breig) Saint Rita (Willy de Spens)


Damien the Leper (John Farrow) Dan England and the Noonday Devil (Myles Connolly) The Franciscans, Love at Work (Boniface Hanley, OFM and Salvator Fink OFM) The Marvelous Doctor: Friar Roger Bacon (Liam Brophy)







Last Edited on: 3/13/09 10:38 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Lambie avatar
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Date Posted: 3/29/2009 10:56 PM ET
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Pat O. (PatinCO) - ,
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Date Posted: 4/7/2009 8:02 PM ET
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I have The Alchemy by Gilbert Morris and Lynn Morris - unpostable - appears to be water damage at back of book.  Doesn't affect readibility.  Free with an order from my BL - Just PM me.  Thanks.  Pat

KarenLS avatar
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Date Posted: 6/24/2009 10:29 PM ET
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World Religions by Warren Matthews


This is a textbook.  It has highlighting and/or written notes on 12.44% of the pages ( 50 out of 402).  They in no way affect the readability of the book; highlighting is a sentence or two out of a paragraph and notes are in the margins, usually only 1 or 2 words, except on page has a paragraph written, again in the margins.


It has 1 member wishing for it, and she does not want it due to the highlighting/notes.


Please put it on your WL and on auto request, and PM me - I can post it right to your WL.




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Subject: A History of God -- unpostable
Date Posted: 7/9/2009 1:35 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 1/16/12 7:19 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
daysleeper avatar
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Subject: Religion and Spiritualy Deal - 2 for 1 for 5 for 2!
Date Posted: 7/12/2009 2:59 PM ET
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I have around 7 religion/spirituality books on my bookshelf. Happy to do a 2 for 1 or 5 for 2 if anyone is interested!

Partial list of those available:

  • Living Faithfully with Disappointment in the Church
  • Children of Exile
  • Wired
  • Guerilla for Christ

I will do a deal on any books on my shelf, not just this genre, so take a look. Happy hunting!

Deal open through end of July.

tommygirl avatar
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Date Posted: 7/16/2009 11:34 AM ET
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Date Posted: 7/18/2009 10:06 PM ET
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Marriage Plus -The Bible and Marriage:: Ray Mossholder

On my bookshelf.

Last Edited on: 10/16/14 12:02 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Subject: unpostable copy of A History of God
Date Posted: 7/26/2009 8:59 PM ET
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ruthy avatar
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Date Posted: 7/28/2009 10:30 AM ET
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Have a paperback copy of "Unleashing the Beast" by Perry Stone that has a torn (and taped) cover that makes it unpostable. The book is otherwise  in brand new condition.  the hardback version which is WL'd (but the 2 versions have the same ISBN).  Since it weighs over a pound (about 1 lb, 4 ounces) I would appreciate a credit for it to help defray postage.  PM me if interested.


I-no-books avatar
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Date Posted: 8/18/2009 11:50 AM ET
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I just posted a bunch of books featuring the lives of certain saints and religious people.  They were discarded recently from our church library and are in excellent condition.  The only thing they have is a book card and pocket on the back with a discard stamp on top of it.  Check them out, please.


I also have several unpostables due to them being without ISBNS:  Free iwht a request from my shelf.

Saint Sharbel: Mystic of the East by Claire Benedict

Francois De Sales by Michael dela Bedoyere

Saint Joseph by Henri Rondet

Saint Catherine of Genoa by Sheed and Ward

The Incredible Life of Sister Elena Aiello by Angelo Cioffi

AlisaLea avatar
Date Posted: 8/26/2009 7:43 PM ET
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I have the only copy in the system of these.

The Transcendent Life :: Jim Rosemergy
ISBN-13: 9781889051253 - ISBN-10: 188905125X

Praying Through Cancer: Set Your Heart Free from Fear: A 90-Day Devotional for Women :: Susan Sorensen, Laura Geist
ISBN-13: 9780849900211 - ISBN-10: 0849900212

Cancer for Two: An Inspiring True Story and Guide for Cancer Patients and Their Partners :: Dave Balch
ISBN-13: 9780972690119 - ISBN-10: 0972690115

And I have a copy of this one.

God's Awesome Promises For Teens and Friends
ISBN-13: 9780849951749 - ISBN-10: 0849951747



technomage avatar
Subject: unpostable Wicca books
Date Posted: 8/30/2009 7:22 PM ET
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I have two that are technically unpostable but still quite readable. The Wicca Handbook - has 3 on WL but unpostable due to some minimal underlining by previous owner. Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham - stain on cover & first 3 pages, I think somebody used the book for a drink coaster. Either one free with an order from my shelf, or I'll send you both for a credit to cover postage. PM me if interested.

Taken by a member on 9-20-09

Last Edited on: 9/20/09 11:31 PM ET - Total times edited: 3
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Date Posted: 10/13/2009 4:50 PM ET
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I have been given the pleasure of cleaning out someone else's bookshelves and am not exaggerating when I tell you I've found THOUSANDS of books in boxes -- way too many for me to store and/ or post!!  So far, I've been checking to see if any are wishlisted, then sorting my piles to "to keep" or "to goodwill". 

PLEASE check out my bookshelf, but don't be fooled!  There are TONS more that haven't been posted! 

Do you have any specific books you are looking for in the Christian Non-fiction genre??  Most are 60s-80s; many in perfect condition.  Paperbacks and Hardcovers.  Also I've found poetry, playwriting, and a few other topics.  I think it may have been a church book collection at one point. 

PM me if you have a wish that I can look for.  I'll be finishing this cleaning out within the next week or so (I hope) and am happy to look for what specificaly you want.  I'm also willing to make deals -- just hate to see it all go to goodwill! 


EveDallas avatar
Date Posted: 12/11/2009 11:18 AM ET
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I have Pink Lemonade: Freshly Squeezed Insights to Stir Your Faith  in Like New, giftable condition. 

Pink Lemonade: Freshly Squeezed Insights to Stir Your Faith
Book Description:
Refresh Yourself. True Stories of Struggle, Strife, And Success. It all began with a wadded up scrap of paper that languished at the bottom of her purse, lost among the loose change and old gum wrappers. Gayle was working as a nurse administrator, when a salesman slipped her a note with a phone number, This is someone you should meet. Gayle read the name on the note: Rita Snider. Yeah, sure, I ll get right on it, she thought, dropping it into her purse. There it sat - for a year. One day, on impulse, Gayle fished out the note and called. As soon as she d said hello, Rita replied, Honey, I ve been waiting for your call. A few days later, Gayle visited with Rita, and listened to the remarkable story of her battle with breast cancer. Diagnosed at age 36, Rita began chemotherapy and lost her hair nine times over. After a humiliating search for wigs and prosthesis, Rita declared Never again! Determined to help others, Rita opened a shop called The Lemonade Stand. A place to come and be refreshed , it was a safe and comfortable salon that provided women with everything they would need for their own fight with cancer. For seven years, she tirelessly helped hundreds of women fight the same battle that she was fighting. Rita surprised Gayle by saying, The Good Lord told me that if I hung on long enough, He d send someone to carry on. As soon as you walked in, I knew it was you. As amazing as it sounded, by the end of the day Gayle decided to quit her job and devote herself to The Lemonade Stand. Rita passed away later that year, but Gayle kept her dream alive for over a decade more. Those years were filled with financial struggles, heartaches, and challenges without end; but there were countless gifts and rewards as The Lemonade Stand went on to help over 10,000 clients.
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Subject: Lots of books on religion on my shelf: PB 2 for 1 or HB 3 for 2
Date Posted: 12/21/2009 2:45 PM ET
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I also have a lot of books on my unpostable list at  I have WAY too many books and need space. Four books from unpostable list with every one from my shelf (limit one hardcover).

Please p.m. me anytime.

Thanks and happy holidays!

yesiamareadaholic avatar
Date Posted: 1/23/2010 9:08 PM ET
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I am looking for hardcover books in the Left Behind Series (for adults) by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye.

If you have any and are willing to offer a deal please send me a PM!  Thanks!
