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Topic: Blue Team Survivor thread so we an all watch and chat.

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Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/24/2015 2:01 AM ET
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Elisa I watched The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies and I loved it.  I felt so bad for the loyal Legolas, and Tauriel I cried for here it was such a sad ending.  Generally if I've had a movie a week I ask David if there is something he'd rather watch and send what ever I have back.  Usually he says no and I keep putting off watching it.  I had a movie out all month once.  If I send them back though without watching I never get it back again.  

Rebecca I read Justice Calling in week 1 or maybe 2, and I loved it.  I would have loved if it were longer though.  My mom said as the series goes they get longer.  I've had that one over a year, and have the rest.  She's already finished them all and keeps prodding me to read them.  if only new to you author and first in series will stop cropping up.      

I can't believe what I did this week I wasted 2 whole days trying to get a new key for my car.  I was at walmart stuck my only car key in my trunk lightly turned and bam it broke off at the top of the metal where it meets the base of the key.  It is of course a chipped key.  The local ford its 50 miles away and told me I had to tow it there to have it programmed and I had to have 2 keys made which would cost me 200+ towing!  I so did not do that.  After calling pretty much everywhere I decided David needed to take apart my trunk and retrieve the broken part!  Ha I'm an awesome girlfriend right?  LOL He was not happy and it took some finagling (and a trip to the lake oriely auto for supplies) to get it apart do to rusted bolts on the plastic trim.  However in the end our local locksmith spent 10 minutes digging out the chip from my base, and sticking it in a new base, and using the wisdom he's learned with age (cause he's old as dirt) he cut me a brand new key out of the piece from the trunk!  I was so pleased I parted with 90 bucks for this, yes I joke not!  I'm going to walmart next week to get another one cloned for 36 bucks before I damage this holy key.  I still can't believe he gets 90 bucks for 10 minutes of his time.     

Between the key fiasco and my brother pawning my niece off on me a couple times this week I didn't get much done for the last half of the week.  I did enjoy 2 days at the park, equally as fun as my 2 days fretting over my key!  So I didn't waste a whole 4 days, as niece time is precious!     


Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/24/2015 2:57 AM ET
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Even after having the tot 2 full days, and all the other crap I did this week I still got 6 books read.  I just posted them and I got  3 ebooks, 3 dead trees, all 6 romance, but only 5 new to me authors.  And the dang red team is way ahead on book count again, well unless some still haven't posted which is possible hopefully! 


Date Posted: 5/24/2015 2:29 PM ET
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There wasn't a special forum or spreadsheet we needed to post week 4 on was there? (like week 5)? If so, I will need to resubmit my books. I posted them to the spreadsheet we were posting them to since the beginning of the game. I hope that was still correct.

Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/24/2015 3:06 PM ET
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That's where I posted mine too she didn't say not to. The new form is just for week 5.
Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/25/2015 1:02 AM ET
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Strategy for the week: Read What Ever I Want!  

ETA: This weeks Categories 

4 Longest book
7 Most total pages (by week)
11 Most Sci-fi/fantasy books
12 Most Mystery books

Strategy still read what ever I want!

Last Edited on: 5/25/15 10:56 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 5/25/2015 9:34 AM ET
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I managed 8 - and a half, which fortunately is fantasy erotica so I could finish it this week and get some credit for it (although maybe not; so far it's really not grabbing me: Almost Human by Cat Marsters). And now I also am going to read pretty much what I want! I have at least 4 that qualify as both fantasy and mystery, one of which I started yesterday (as it's a library book due back on Wednesday).

Does anybody else have a good candidate for "long book," or should I try to fit in the duology I have lined up, Cartamandua Legacy by Carol Berg (858 pages)? Tami agreed I can use it as one book since it's bound together, and it's fantasy.

bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 5/25/2015 12:36 PM ET
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Oh NO, losing Elisa now when the categories are perfect for her! Argh. 

leesie avatar
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Date Posted: 5/25/2015 3:46 PM ET
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Aw. You are sweet :). I can't say I am not a little relieved though... you girls are quick and awesome readers and will kick booty!! Good luck. go team blue!
Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/25/2015 3:55 PM ET
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Exactly Rebecca This Sucks! I Really hope syfy/fantasy gets picked this week it will take out some heavy romance readers.
bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 5/25/2015 5:14 PM ET
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That would help, yeah! Interestingly, when I submitted a book earlier and checked, the books submitted so far - 7 or so total, if I remember rightly - were 100% mystery (and about 75% fantasy). So people must've been stockpiling books that fit both categories!

ETA: I'm actually more distressed to know that "Most new-to-you" is still out there than about "Most romance" - I have too many series to keep up with!

Last Edited on: 5/25/15 5:16 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
cindyj avatar
Date Posted: 5/25/2015 11:37 PM ET
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I can't say I am not a little relieved though...  I almost posted the same comment last week, Elisa!

I still want to participate in the challenge because it is an incentive to reduce the TBR pile.  But it has worked well for me to become a juror because I didn't manage to FINISH any more books last week (sigh).  I did start a couple that I've managed to finish for this week, though.

I do know that Elisa will be missed from the team.  I hope you continue to visit as well:)

micbaz avatar
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Date Posted: 5/26/2015 9:39 PM ET
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On Sunday, when we didn't have categories, I read 2 next in series mysteries.  Yesterday, I started a combo mystery/sci fi fantasy which I finished today.  I also went looking for a long book yesterday.  I ended up downloading World Without End by Ken Follett which pbs does consider a mystery and shows the mmpb as having 1056 pages in audio.  I started listening last night.  I will do my very best to finish it by Saturday night, but that means I probably won't get to anymore sci fi/fantasy.

This is my very first audio book.  Usually, when I am reading my nose is in the book, so I am oblivious to the chores that need to be done around me.  Listening to the audio book I see the laundry that needs to be folded and it distracts me from the book.  However, I can fold the laundry and that does not distract me from the book.  I got more chores done last night and tonight then usual, I am not sure I like this.  But, this is good for my future plans, because the reason I wanted to try the audio book was to see if I could listen to a book instead of music while I am sewing.  

leesie avatar
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Date Posted: 5/26/2015 11:31 PM ET
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Oh man Michele, you are going to be SO PRODUCTIVE! That is awesome  :)

bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 5/27/2015 7:20 PM ET
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Okey-doke, Michelle - then I'll hold off on my not-quite-as-long book and start cranking through fantasy-mysteries, since it's a combination I like and I have some stacked up! I'm finishing one now, and after that I have two of Alex Bledsoe's Eddie LaCrosse mysteries and either two or three of Glen Cook's Garrett, PI books (I can't remember if I've read the earliest one). That will almost certainly do me for the week, but if not, I think I have at least one more, and an SF mystery somewhere too...

I know a lot of people who do listen to books while knitting or sewing. Depends on how complicated the work is, of course; what are you making? 

ETA: And in case anybody else has the same question I did, I checked back and Tami did confirm (on p. 14) that audiobooks can count for longest book.

Last Edited on: 5/27/15 8:23 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/27/2015 11:21 PM ET
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OMG did you guys see what jamie posted in the the thread that someone read a 2700 page book?????  I',m totally not going anywhere near that.  Hell I've been working on the Stand for what 4 weeks now and I might be half way through it.  I think I still have over 14 hours but I'm not sure since I'd have to add the time left for the chapters to be 100 % sure but its around there, so its doable for this week but still!

Is it bad I really hope that longest book isn't chosen just so that read that honker for nothing!  I think I'm a bad person.  Well unless it was Beverly who read it then I totally wish longest gets chosen!  Beverly was it you, please tell us it was you, LOL!

ETA: Well I'm pretty sure its just a typo book and so the longest book so far is 768 pages.  

Last Edited on: 5/28/15 12:37 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/28/2015 7:55 PM ET
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Rebecca  are you still reading the 20-sided Sorceress series by Annie Bellett?  Do you consider them mysteries?

bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 5/28/2015 7:58 PM ET
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That 2700-page book was a false alarm (a typo), fortunately! I did wonder if that was all it was.

Bizzy, I read the first one and I haven't gotten back to them yet because I'll have to buy them (for Kindle, and some of them are only $2.99, but it'll still add up) and I have so much else to read. And unfortunately I don't think they're really mysteries; thrillers, maybe, but not mainly mysteries (and Amazon doesn't list them as mysteries). It's too bad because they are nice and short. 

Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/28/2015 8:25 PM ET
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Hun then someone else is reading them, because they are on the form up to book 3 so far.  I didn't really think the first one was really a mystery either, well at least it wasn't hard to figure it out who the bad guys was  PBS doesn't have them listed that way either, but it gets tagged that way a few times on goodreads.  I wonder who's reading them!

bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 5/28/2015 8:28 PM ET
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Interesting... I did just remember Bellet has another series that IS fantasy-mystery, so I just bought the first one: Avarice (Pyrrh Considerable Crimes Division Book 1) by Annie Bellet (190 pages or so, which should be quick - I can probably knock it off later after I finish the last 80 pages or so of my current book). 


Last Edited on: 5/28/15 8:30 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
TP avatar
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Date Posted: 5/28/2015 10:31 PM ET
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Just dropping from the enemy camp to admit that I'm the one reading the Annie Bellet series.  I enjoyed the first one last week when I was reading new authors in ebooks and I keep on getting the next one.  I'm saving the 4th one until next week!  


bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 5/29/2015 12:08 AM ET
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Ha, that helps explain how Red is leaving us in the dust, LOL!

Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/29/2015 12:34 AM ET
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LMAO Rebecca.  Theresa are you counting them as mystery or just syfy/fantasy?  I read the first one for this challenge too, but I had a few different ones I wanted to read this week and I don't think I'll have time to get to them.

Last Edited on: 5/29/15 12:35 AM ET - Total times edited: 2
TP avatar
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Date Posted: 5/29/2015 7:48 AM ET
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I'm just counting them as Scifi because they're not really mysteries.  I gave up trying to find books that are both and am just reading one or the other.  That's probably why Red team can read tons of books but can't win the week!  lol 

bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 5/29/2015 7:55 AM ET
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I've been relatively disciplined about doubling up, since I had so many, but I did have one plain fantasy due to the library, and I have another more than half read, because I'm reading it on the Kindle phone app on the subway, that I'll finish to get the page count. BUT I have today off, woot! I have other stuff to do too, but reading also will go on, I'm sure. (Summer Fridays have begun - we (theoretically) can choose work an extra 45 minutes a day and get every other Friday off, although I've actually been at this job long enough I have more vacation than I can necessarily use and so I'm just taking vacation days on the same schedule.)

Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 5/29/2015 8:26 PM ET
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Yeah I've been trying to double up too but I had a few that were just fantasy.