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Topic: Blue Team Survivor thread so we an all watch and chat.

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AZmom875 avatar
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Subject: Blue Team Survivor thread so we an all watch and chat.
Date Posted: 4/17/2015 5:42 PM ET
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I started this thread for the members of the BLUE team on the survivor reading challenge.   Of course anyone can read this, but it wont be very relevant. 

So lets all chat here.  DONT FORGET TO WATCH THIS TOPIC

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AZmom875 avatar
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Date Posted: 4/17/2015 5:55 PM ET
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I dont think we actually vote others off, I think it is just the lowest read from the 2 losing teams get booted not really voted on.

See here


Once everyone has signed up, I will assign them to 3 teams. Each week, there will be 2 "losing" teams and 1 "winning" team. The losing teams will each lose someone from their team. These people will continue to play along for positions on the Jury. Just to be fair, when Jenna approves us for play, she will also approve the teams.

The person “voted off” will be the person from the losing teams who had the lowest score for whichever category was “graded” that week. If there are ties, they will be broken by most pages read to date. (That is, the person with the fewest pages read to date will be the one “voted off” and sent to the jury pool).

bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 4/17/2015 7:10 PM ET
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Yes, because it's "merit" (sort of - it's also somewhat random since we don't know what category it'll be based on each week), not voting. That way, no hard feelings, and I say, no guilt either if you have a "bad" week....

Great idea setting up the thread, Michelle/Heather! - I was feeling lame for not pulling myself together to reply to the team yet. I like the idea of reading multi-genre books (I have some fantasy mysteries and some YA fantasy, just off the top of my head; and definitely some first-in-series and new-to-me, and some of it is on Kindle). And I like the idea of picking weeks when we'll read long books; I definitely have one or two in the 500-600 page range. 

cindyj avatar
Date Posted: 4/18/2015 9:19 AM ET
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Thanks for the thread where we can share.  And the clarification on "voting off".

I like the idea of reading multi-genre books  So do I.  I need to get a week 1 stack going.  I have plenty of books on my kindle as well, I just never use it.

bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 4/18/2015 5:19 PM ET
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OK, for long books: I found a fantasy novel I'd love to get to that's 856 pages - it's a one-volume edition of a duology (Cartamandua Legacy by Carol Berg), but I assume that counts if you treat it as one book. I could read that any week but May 2 and May 23, I think. I also definitely have a few short books lying around for that category!

As far as genres go, I read a lot of SFF, some mystery, some YA, a little romance/erotica and some assorted "other".

AZmom875 avatar
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Date Posted: 4/18/2015 8:03 PM ET
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I have a list of HONKERs that is what I called them



Others are allowed to add large books to my list, that is the way I set it up.  I have read some of these books already.

Date Posted: 4/18/2015 9:00 PM ET
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I have a lot of big books I can read including the Outlander series. However, I am not sure what book to read first. I have so many to read. :-)
Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 4/19/2015 1:48 AM ET
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I'm Here!  LOL sorry I'm late.....

I'm going to I have a hard time reading Honkers, since I hate them, so I'm not sure I'll bag a lot of those!  I don't even really have a lot here.  I could check one out from a library if I have to.  I have some Omnibuses that are larger and Tami said those work so that might help me!  And the longest one I have here is Remember Me by Christopher Pike which is 848 pages.

I also don't have a lot of short books.  So I'm not sure I'll be a lot of help there either!

If you guys do set up a system though I will try my hardest to read what I can!

Last Edited on: 4/19/15 1:48 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
leesie avatar
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Date Posted: 4/19/2015 10:46 AM ET
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Thanks for setting this thread up!  Great idea.

Out traveling for work this week, so I will be ready to read when I return.  Not much is being read at the moment because these folks stress me out so much. lol

Anyway, I can work on a honker, but it might take me more than one week to finish, so I hope not to go week one.  I am sure I have short books too and will try to work those in as well.  (they make me feel like a speed reader).  I will try to mix up my genres tho.  Favorites are UF, sci fi, fantasy and mysteries usually cross into the UF anyway.

bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 4/20/2015 8:34 PM ET
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Yeah, I don't think we should force ourselves to read honkers because it will take away from reading other things - and there's no point Elizabeth torturing herself! - but it could be worth the effort to make sure two people are not both doing it in the same week. I think I'll plan to read my long one for the first June check-in (I have a work trip the weekend of May 16, into the beginning of the next week, that between preparation and the trip itself will probably make me read less than usual - I also will probably be reading on Kindle a lot then).

cindyj avatar
Date Posted: 4/20/2015 11:18 PM ET
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I can't think of any honkers I have.  I mostly read Christian fiction, which is mostly romance or mystery/suspense.  I do have quite a few "other" books I need to be reading.  I might be able to find a YA.

You all are giving this WAY more thought than I did.  My thought was, "A reading challenge!  I'm being challenged to read books!  How easy is that!"laugh

I thought I would get a week 1 pile going.  It sounds like I need to plan farther out than that!

micbaz avatar
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Date Posted: 4/21/2015 9:48 PM ET
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Tami posted the possible categories for week 1 and they do not include longest book or "honkers"!!!!!  We are safe for the first week at least.

Okay, is everyone ready for the first week's "it'll be one of these" post? I hope so, because here we go!

It'll be one of:

Week 1:
6 Most total pages (by week)
15 Most 1st in a series books
5 Shortest book
2 Most books (dead tree and ebook) read

So other than looking for short and 1st in the series, all we need to do is READ!

Last Edited on: 4/21/15 9:55 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
AZmom875 avatar
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Date Posted: 4/22/2015 1:07 AM ET
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I will read a big honking book when the time comes, I have several I have been wanting to read

Cutting for Stone
Author: Abraham Verghese

is one I want to read. 

but since it isnt a honker week, I have some short books

AZmom875 avatar
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Date Posted: 4/22/2015 1:08 AM ET
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I will read a first in the series book for sure.  If I can even read, I am sure I can by the 26th.

Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 4/22/2015 1:30 AM ET
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I asked Tami about Shortest and longest:

For when we do the Shortest and Longest book category does the win for that week go to the team who reads the Shortest or Longest book?

Yes, whichever team reads the shortest or longest book will get the win. I was going to say the team with the lowest average and longest average, but why add work to myself? So, whichever team has the shortest book and longest book, respectively.



So really since shortest came up as a possibility we just need to find out who has the shortest book in our group and they need to read it.  Also we should probably keep track of what others are posting that they are reading incase they post a book shorter than our shortest book.  Than we might have to find another.  We will have to do the same for the week when longest book pops up as a possibility!

ETA: Oh and I don't think who ever is reading the shortest book should post that they are reading it and have read it in the thread.  The others might not either since then all the teams can look and know who currently has the shortest book and then read something smaller.  There isn't a rule that says we have to list every book we read so on the weeks that shortest book and longest book pop up for then we should just not post the shortest or longest in the game thread.  Others in the team can read a short book and a honker and post them in the game thread to throw off the trail.  Say it should probably be at least 50 pages away from what we pick though.  So if we pick a book of 150 pages for shortest no one should post they read anything under 190-200 pages.  Sound good?


Last Edited on: 4/22/15 3:22 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 4/22/2015 1:36 AM ET
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I have Bunny and the Bear (Furry United Coalition, Bk 1) by Eve Langlais which is 182 pages.  I might have something shorter too so I'll keep looking I just knew these were short.   Anyone have a shorter one?

ETA: Ok well I looked at my home books and none were shorter than the first but I did find this in ebooks too and it has a paperback version

Justice Calling (The Twenty-Sided Sorceress) (Volume 1) by Annie Bellet which says 150 pages.  So I guess unless I find another shorter one this will be the one you guys need to beat!

Last Edited on: 4/22/15 1:51 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 4/22/2015 7:22 PM ET
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Well, I was thinking of this one: The Final Solution: A Story of Detection by Michael Chabon; it's 131 pages according to the page numbering and Amazon, although PBS lists 160 for some reason. (There are about 10 pages of "extras" after the actual story - an author interview and such - but not enough to add up to 29 pages.) I think I would be safe listing it as 131 pages, though, since Amazon agrees.

micbaz avatar
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Date Posted: 4/22/2015 9:59 PM ET
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I don't have anything under 200 pages.

Rebecca:  you could submit a book edit for the number of pages to pbs, especially since amazon agrees with you.  It is under the other options drop down menu.

Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 4/23/2015 1:17 AM ET
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Yep Tami said if we find a huge discrepancy to just do a page number edit and go with what we have.  The other versions of that book list it as 128 -131 pages. So its probably safe to say that one is wrong.

Anyone got any shorter?      

cindyj avatar
Date Posted: 4/23/2015 5:06 PM ET
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I PMd everyone about shortest book options.  Let me know if you didn't get it.

bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 4/24/2015 6:52 PM ET
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I got it, Cindy! My take is, ask Tami about the first one and let her rule on it. And obviously the second one would be fine. 

I'm going to focus in 1st-in-series books (I have several stacked up right now, including three library books I can finally get to once I'm done with Heather's challenge), and, of course, total pages/books. And finishing off a couple of Vintage/Vogue pairs for Heather's challenge. Fortunately those mostly fit together.

Last Edited on: 4/25/15 2:56 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
bookmuncher avatar
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Date Posted: 4/25/2015 10:23 PM ET
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I did the book edit, Michelle; thanks for reminding me (I meant to do it at the time but got distracted).

Back to my reading - I have one to finish before midnight so I can get it onto my V/V challenge list without delaying starting something new for this tomorrow!

Date Posted: 4/25/2015 11:19 PM ET
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Sorry, but so far I can't beat your total number of pages for shortest book. I guess I will try to read for the most total pages.
Bizzy1 avatar
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Date Posted: 4/26/2015 12:04 AM ET
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I found a lot of books that will be short and easy to read.  I didn't realize how many ebooks I had under 200 pages.  A lot of erotica that I have was in that page range.  Here's a list I'm going to use to set up my reads for the week.  Most of the ones on there now are ebooks, 90% are under 200 pages so they should be quick and easy to read, and 90% are first in a series.  I've got 20 listed but I know there is no way I'm going to get through that many but when there only 200 pages I might get through a bunch if I have time to read this week.... Here's hoping for lots of spare time.  I'm starting with Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews

Last Edited on: 4/26/15 12:05 AM ET - Total times edited: 2
leesie avatar
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Date Posted: 4/26/2015 2:49 PM ET
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Good luck with your list Elizabeth! I am trying to focus on lots of short and 1st in a series as well.

Good luck team  ;)
