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Topic: Blue light and melatonin

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jemedwards avatar
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Subject: Blue light and melatonin
Date Posted: 2/20/2015 9:47 AM ET
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Has anyone been reading up on this?  I've recently read a few articles and it makes sense.  I've been reading from my iPad or Kindle while in bed for about an hour before I go to sleep and since I've stopped, due to the articles, I've been sleeping better.

There are so many articles about this issue.  Here is a google search on it.

Is it all in my head or is blue light really a factor?  Plus there isn't a blue light filter available for my ipad or the paperwhite so I'm considering buying some blue light filters glasses from Amazon.  

ETA: Recent article from Huffington Post

Last Edited on: 2/20/15 10:54 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 2/20/2015 12:53 PM ET
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Well, I have an eye appt tomorrow.  If I remember to ask my doc, we'll see what she says.

EmilyKat avatar
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Date Posted: 2/20/2015 2:32 PM ET
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I've heard that warm colors, such as putting them in nightlights, help sleep. The warm color is thought to trigger the sunset time to sleep part of the brain.

There has also been research into colors of light and Alzheimer's.  Blue light is suppose to help slow down symptoms.

gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 2/20/2015 7:43 PM ET
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I do make it a point to turn my laptop off at least an hour before going to bed.  Usually earlier.

For reading at night or just before bed, I use my eink ereader, not the backlit Nook HD.  I can't give up my tv before bed though.  Heck, I love the sleep timer on it.

jemedwards avatar
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Date Posted: 2/20/2015 7:54 PM ET
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So by reading this article I think the paper white is OK?
gremlin avatar
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Date Posted: 2/21/2015 2:19 AM ET
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So by reading this article I think the paper white is OK? 

that's been my understanding on the topic from reading various things.  different kind of screen, and the light's not pointing at you.

i haven't actually tried doing anything different though.  i don't have a light for my Kindle eInk, i just use the lamp by the couch - but i'm terrible about checking in online last thing before bed, either tablet or computer monitor or both.

dordale avatar
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Date Posted: 2/26/2015 12:14 AM ET
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E-ink screens (like the Kindle Paperwhite) are a different kind of technology.  Like Ellen said, the light is not pointing at you.  Lighted E-ink screens are actually front lit not back lit like LCD screens.  They have lights that are in front of the screen, so reading from an e-ink screen is very similar to reading a traditional book.  I read from my Kindle PW almost every night before going to sleep--and don't have problems falling asleep.  But, I definitely don't like reading on my iPad before going to sleep!

jemedwards avatar
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Date Posted: 2/26/2015 5:59 PM ET
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Thanks all for the input.  I was reading from my iPad but I'll be reading from my PW from now on!

ETA: check out this app in iTunes >>> Unblue by Mobiterra™,

I subscribe to BGR.COM and they often feature paid apps that are free for a period of time in iTunes and this was in yesterday's email.  It's good for iPad and iPhone. It's usually $4.99 and I don't even know if it works but heck, I downloaded it while it's free and maybe I'll try it out one day.

Last Edited on: 2/26/15 6:11 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
FranChessie avatar
Date Posted: 4/15/2016 12:27 AM ET
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The OS on Apple products have a recent update with an added feature called "Night Shift" it automatically changes the tone of light coming from your device. This elminates the blue tone that is supposed to disturb sleep. 

jemedwards avatar
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Date Posted: 4/15/2016 8:08 AM ET
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Yeap, I was excited to get that update!

Amazon has a new eReader out this month, the Oasis.  I don't plan on spending $290 for it but has an E-Ink screen so it should be a problem reading  at bedtime.  

Gimme a break....why would someone pay $290 for an ereader but that's a topic for a different threadcheeky so let me go see if someone has started it.  

Last Edited on: 4/15/16 8:09 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
rhyta avatar
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Date Posted: 9/3/2017 10:48 PM ET
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I started to read this book earlier this year

Sleep Smarter: 21 Essential Strategies to Sleep Your Way to A Better Body, Better Health, and Bigger Success

and he quotes some of the same findings

“Mariana Figueiro, of the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic, and her team showed that two hours of iPad use at maximum brightness was enough to suppress people’s normal nighttime release of melatonin. When your melatonin secretion is thrown off, it will intrinsically throw off your normal sleep cycle. ”

I am trying to stop using the computer at least an hour before going to bed.   I read with my Nook Glowlight which is an e-ink reader and it doesn't seem to disturb my sleep.   The biggest thing he suggests is cutting out the caffeine but I am struggling with that one.