Helpful Score: 1
This was the last book that Molly Ivins wrote, as she passed away from cancer during the writing of it. It is a worthy ending to a long career of comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable - and speaking truth to power.
For all those who supported President George W Bush and just could not understand why so many people hated him, this is the book that explains why people who love America thought Bush was a disaster.
In story after story, Ivins shows how the now-thankfully-former President and the people he appointed violated their oath of office (to preserve, protect and defend the US Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic -- the Constitution, not the people, that is the oath). She details many examples where the Bill of Rights was trashed by that President and how his team got Congress to go along with doing so in some cases, as well as how the Administration simply broke the law again and again when they chose to do so. Not since Richard Nixon (with the immortal quote that "When the President does it, it is not illegal") has there been such arrogant and obvious disregard by a President for the checks and balances spelled out in the Constitution -- not to mention criminal behavior and rampant violations of the Bill of Rights.
If you loved Bush, you need to read this book to understand why so many Americans who love America hated him. And all those Republicans and Fox-News-watchers who are screaming about Socialism and Fascism under the new President need to read this book to see what doors Bush opened for abuse of the American people by a sitting President. Everyone who cares about our country needs to read this book to see how far the Bush Administration took us from the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
For all those who supported President George W Bush and just could not understand why so many people hated him, this is the book that explains why people who love America thought Bush was a disaster.
In story after story, Ivins shows how the now-thankfully-former President and the people he appointed violated their oath of office (to preserve, protect and defend the US Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic -- the Constitution, not the people, that is the oath). She details many examples where the Bill of Rights was trashed by that President and how his team got Congress to go along with doing so in some cases, as well as how the Administration simply broke the law again and again when they chose to do so. Not since Richard Nixon (with the immortal quote that "When the President does it, it is not illegal") has there been such arrogant and obvious disregard by a President for the checks and balances spelled out in the Constitution -- not to mention criminal behavior and rampant violations of the Bill of Rights.
If you loved Bush, you need to read this book to understand why so many Americans who love America hated him. And all those Republicans and Fox-News-watchers who are screaming about Socialism and Fascism under the new President need to read this book to see what doors Bush opened for abuse of the American people by a sitting President. Everyone who cares about our country needs to read this book to see how far the Bush Administration took us from the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.