Think of a Vincati as a three-dimensional puzzle assembled from pieces of not one motorcycle but two or more. The real challenge to the puzzle lies not just with completing it so it looks sharp, but making a masterpiece. One that its rider can speed down the road, wind whipping, handle bars gripped and body melded to roaring machine whilst the landscape flashes past and only memory is left in its wake.
Big Sid's Vincati by Matthew Biberman is the account of a father and son building their intricate Vincati puzzle. This opus takes them years to create and years more to enable them the tools to understand one another as only a father and son can.
Truthfully, much of the technical information in this book was beyond my comprehension because I am one of the least mechanically-inclined people you could meet. That said; it didn't stop me from wanting to read more. I sought to learn more about the struggle Sid and Matthew bear to make their imagining of this legendary motorcycle into a sturdy reality. The hardship-filled journey they and their families endure leaves you crossing your fingers and routing for them to have a happy ending.
Motorcycle enthusiasts will sing praises for Big Sid's Vincati. Those, like me, who are not bike fanatics, will gain a new respect for the passions and dreams that men hold dear.
Bravo to Matthew Biberman for pouring his life and heart onto the page for us to share.
You can find this review and many more at http://reviews.armchairinterviews.com/reviews/big-sids-vincati-the-story-of-a-father-a-son
Big Sid's Vincati by Matthew Biberman is the account of a father and son building their intricate Vincati puzzle. This opus takes them years to create and years more to enable them the tools to understand one another as only a father and son can.
Truthfully, much of the technical information in this book was beyond my comprehension because I am one of the least mechanically-inclined people you could meet. That said; it didn't stop me from wanting to read more. I sought to learn more about the struggle Sid and Matthew bear to make their imagining of this legendary motorcycle into a sturdy reality. The hardship-filled journey they and their families endure leaves you crossing your fingers and routing for them to have a happy ending.
Motorcycle enthusiasts will sing praises for Big Sid's Vincati. Those, like me, who are not bike fanatics, will gain a new respect for the passions and dreams that men hold dear.
Bravo to Matthew Biberman for pouring his life and heart onto the page for us to share.
You can find this review and many more at http://reviews.armchairinterviews.com/reviews/big-sids-vincati-the-story-of-a-father-a-son