Some of the stories were hilarious, but others were simply...disturbing. A good book for those who wish to learn more about the occupational lives of temporary workers.
This is an amusing book to read for anyone who has been a temp..or for that matter worked in a miserable dead end job.
I believe this book is probably the book that led the way for all the ziners who are doing books now. It's the first book i ever saw that stemmed from a zine, and i wanted to buy it the minute i saw it. However, i didn't have the cash then. I forgot about it for a while, but finally picked up a copy recently. I'm thrilled to get a chance to carry it. This is a collection of pieces originally found in Temp Slave! zine. Pieces by temp workers about working temp jobs. I always thought about contributing to this zine back when i was temping, because the stories about the crap jobs i worked would have fit well in there. If you've ever worked temps, you'll find solace in knowing you're not alone. If you've never worked temps, this will give you one more good reason not to
bought for a class but then didn't read