Being Better Than Your Best Author:Danny Lena, Marie Lena This book can help you improve your personal, professional, and business relationships by being better than your best! If you are seeking to advance to a higher position or level of achievementor simply desiring to be more respected and appreciated by your coworkers, associates, and leadersthis book will redefine the way you approac... more »h your business or profession and help you discover how others view your performance. If you are an executive or leader desiring to elevate your performance level and that of your team or associates, this book will give you new ideas about motivation, persistence, effectiveness, and efficiency. By recognizing key factors, you can help your support staff and associates raise their level of creativity and productivity as well as your own. If you sell a product or service, or present an opportunity, the SELL Formula and the 90/10 Formula will help you overcome objections and encourage you to press on. Learn how to create and retain positive, valuable, business relationships that help sell you to others. If you are a manager, you will learn to solve conflicts, reduce negativity, resolve the home/work struggle, and reach goals with easy-to-follow formulas and techniques. If you are self-employed, full or part time, you will gain boldness and fortitude, and elevate your business to a higher level. Youll discover how to promote yourself and present your ideas, avoid procrastination, stick to a timeline, and overcome obstacles to reach your goals. If you are a coach or athlete, you will raise your own bar, helping to bring out your teams potential by playing with inspiration, not desperation. Youll learn how to solve internal problems and persist until you succeed. If you are a student, you will learn to overcome the fear of being who you really are. Youll learn not to worry about what others may think of you. You will discover how to excel by using your natural talents and abilities. Youll be prepared to make a difference in the world! If you are a teacher, you will learn tools to motivate yourself and your students. Youll be able to avoid burnout and look forward to every day of teachinglike you may have when you first started! If you are starting over and looking to recreate yourself, this book will help you deal with the past and move on with a fresh start. Youll learn to be comfortable with who you really are. Youll discover how to achieve what you have always desired, including improved relationships and even have more self-confidence! Why wait? Start now! Keep the words of John Wooden in mind, "Success is peace of mind in knowing you did your best."« less