Beginnings - Worlds of Honor, Bk 6 Author:David Weber, Charles E. Gannon, Joelle Presby, Timothy Zahn The sixth volume in the popular Worlds of Honor series anthologies, a collection of military science fiction tales set in the Honor Harrington universe, filled with action, courage, derring-do, and the pulse-pounding excitement of space naval adventure, set in a world touched by the greatness of one epic heroine: Honor Harrington. Include... more »s a new novella by David Weber featuring a young Manticoran Royal Navy commander who goes by the name Harrington. Short fiction in the series serves as deep backstory or, like the short stories centred directly on Honor Harrington, exposes episodes of her earlier career. Other short stories expose points of view and life problems from places around the larger universe. Some offer insights to life behind enemy lines in the view of its citizens and their experience, or that of a protagonist in the Verge, or in the Solarian League. Among these tales are the revealed history of how treecats and humans first bonded.
By the Book [Honor Harrington Universe] (2013) / novella by Charles E. Gannon: a team from the Earth Union Customs Patrol armed cutter Venerated Gaia boarded the seized liner Fragrant Blossom, on the outskirts of the Sol System's asteroid belt, finding the hijackers had massacred all the hostages--the crew and passengers.
A Call to Arms [Honor Harrington Universe] (2013) / novella by Timothy Zahn: Lieutenant Travis Long of the Royal Manticoran Navy is the sort of person who likes an orderly universe. One where people follow the rules. Unfortunately, he lives in the real universe. The good news is that Travis is one of those rare people who may like rules but has a talent for thinking outside them when everything starts coming apart.
Beauty and the Beast [Honor Harrington Universe] (2013) / novella by David Weber: having just arrived on the planet Beowulf, Lieutenant Alfred Harrington of the Royal Manticoran Navy is met by Captain Jacques Benton-Ramirez y Chou of the Biological Survey Corps. He is soon told by the local Manticoran military attache that the meeting was likely not coincidental.
The Best Laid Plans [Honor Harrington Universe] (2013) / novelette by David Weber: twelve-year-old Honor Harrington has worked out an elaborate plan for her mother Allison's birthday, which involves a bouquet of mountain tulips she decides to get from the woods near Rock Aspen Creek. She gets permission to go from her parents, but only because she does not really tell them how far she is heading.
Obligated Service [Honor Harrington Universe] (2013) / novella by Joelle Presby: Claire Bedlam Lecroix, one of the first women to serve as an officer candidate in the Grayson Space Navy, faces numerous challenges in a uniformed service almost completely dominated by men.