Helpful Score: 1
This was the best book I thought because it went week my week, not month to month.
Tara G. reviewed Your Baby's First Year Week by Week (Your Pregnancy Series) on + 80 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Very informative and better than the Expecting books by far!
Brianna H. (MamaBri) reviewed Your Baby's First Year Week by Week (Your Pregnancy Series) on + 10 more book reviews
It's so fun to follow along in this book as your baby grows each week! Gives great insight to developments and milestones.
Christina P. (Earlystar) reviewed Your Baby's First Year Week by Week (Your Pregnancy Series) on + 38 more book reviews
I personally like this series much better than the what to expect series. This book gives you information on a weekly basis, vs. a monthly basis. It's alot easier to see that your baby is on track and developing normal. Plus, it has a lot of extra information in that is very useful. It gives physical devolpement, social, good ideas for games to help baby learn...I would recommend this to ANYONE expecting or who has a young baby. I read this series with my second child, and liked it so well I re-read it with my third and still got a lot out of it.
Melissa S. (MissyAnn) reviewed Your Baby's First Year Week by Week (Your Pregnancy Series) on + 29 more book reviews
This book was invaluable during my son's first year!! It's a must have for new mamas (or daddies)!!!
Janis R. (JARSolon) reviewed Your Baby's First Year Week by Week (Your Pregnancy Series) on + 66 more book reviews
Very good for those without friends or a mother to ask questions! Many more photos than I found in any other book - that got my attention most of all I think.
Good book for the exectant parent's library. Includes the CD ROM with lots of extra.
Emily D. (1dutchgirl) reviewed Your Baby's First Year Week by Week (Your Pregnancy Series) on + 17 more book reviews
Learn about your baby's weekly development and how to care for baby's body and mind. Easy to read, filled with lots of helpful information.
Awesome book! A must have for every new mom.

I loved this book when my daughter was a baby. It was fun to see all the weekly developmental milestones. I am still not sure I want to part with it.
Does not include Cd, did not come with one

I would not have survived my son's first year without this week by week manual. It was wonderful. By the time my second daughter rolled around I continued to use it for good developmental points. Easy to read and to understand.

I found this book to be very helpful through our first year together. (Our daughter Journey just turned one last weekend)
My only issue with this book is that as a new parent you don't exactly get a certain amount of time to read each and every week. I often found myself behind by a few weeks, then I would catch up and stick with it, but soon enough I was 3 weeks behind again. Each week's read is only a few pages and it goes very quickly. A LOT of repetition though.
My only issue with this book is that as a new parent you don't exactly get a certain amount of time to read each and every week. I often found myself behind by a few weeks, then I would catch up and stick with it, but soon enough I was 3 weeks behind again. Each week's read is only a few pages and it goes very quickly. A LOT of repetition though.
Sarah W. (swtw) reviewed Your Baby's First Year Week by Week (Your Pregnancy Series) on + 8 more book reviews
Book also comes with a cd rom.