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Quick check-in before I go to church. Good to hear from you Margaret. My what a month you've had. I'd say, all in all, you are doing great. You sure 'jumped right in' after your retirement and move. I'd have wanted a bit of time to get settled, but then I guess since you already had a job lined up, you'd pretty much planned the 'jumping in.' Like Nancy, I'm also exhausted just from reading your post. Lol Teri, 40# - Wow! Great job. Denying ourselves doesn't usually help us achieve our goals in the long run anyway. It's more about managing, and you've done well with that. I was happy enough with my 'official' weigh-in this morning - 154.4, and I looked back through all my Fitbit weigh-ins and it doesn't look like I've been that low since July of 2021. Now my goal for this week is to drop below 154 next Sunday morning. Might be hard since I'm hosting Mexican Train on Saturday, but maybe I'll find it to be motivation to not eat dessert - or at least not a lot of dessert. I think I'm going to make banana pudding and I doubt I can not eat it at all. Just sayin'. . . . . . I've got to get out of here now, but I'll try to check-in sometime tomorrow. |
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I'm supposed to be on a long fast, from 2 pm yesterday to 4 pm today, but... forget it. I was starving after doing a ton of shopping yesterday, so I had two tacos from Taco Bell. I used to eat 4 at a time. I haven't eaten yet today so I'll just keep fasting till 4 or later and go from there. Today I plan to unpack boxes, work a few hours, and change my phone service provider. I want to get better lighting set up in here too. And a long walk. Hmmmm, better get started. |
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Water aerobics this morning. I love how this activity has helped me with a little weight loss and has also helped with my mental health. Our long hot summers can sometimes get me down. Water aerobics ends the first of October and I must find something to replace it with. |
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Good morning. Yesterday was a bust! I ate almost a whole bag of carmel popcorn that I bought from the Boy Scouts. I should have bought it and given it to the kids to eat instead of bringing it home. And, I ate it in front of the TV so I not only messed up my IF window, but didn't stick to my "eat at the table only" habit that I'm developing this month. And, I don't think I got 30 minutes of reading in either. I kept falling asleep and I finally gave up. Guesssing maybe 15 minutes at the most. But, today is a new day. IF eating window is 8-3, but I will wait until closer to 3 to eat and aim for just one meal today. It won't totally offset all that popcorn, but it will help. So, confession made, I'm determined to do a hard reset and be back on track today. Nothing on my schedule except the gym, laundry, and some errands, so it should be a good day to 'get it right.' Margaret, I don't like the long fasts. I almost always overeat coming off them. I actually have been using the BodyFast app and Coach long enough now that I think I can just do it on my own. I have 'saved plans' of my own that were modifications of the Coach week, and those are usually the ones I choose now. I cancelled the Coach part of the app effective at the renewal in September, and I will just try to work with the free part of it for awhile. I like a set schedule for every day all week long. I don't mind varying it from week to week, or making minor adjustments daily to accommodate something, but the Coach always seems to be 24 hour fasts a couple of days and 24 hour eating some days and I'm not so good with that. Nancy, hope you can find something to replace the water aerobics. I always think my mental state is better when I workout. It seems to help me be better with the other disciplines too. Wishing y'all a successful day. |
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I had a molar pulled today and an implant put in. Ugh! I didn't realize it was such a healing process. My fault for not researching it more. I think my eating will be reduced for the next few days. |
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Nancy, hope you heal up quickly from the dental procedure. I got a permanent crown today, but that wasn't as big a deal as a few weeks ago when I got the temporary one put on. I have too many eating occasions this week, and wonder how it will affect my weigh-in Sunday. If course, since I was up last week due to some caramel popcorn, it may still be a little bit down. I hope so. I'm finally hosting Mexican Train though on Saturday. I will have to be super disciplined because I could easily blow it. Not just lunch, but dessert too. We're celebrating a couple birthdays so I will have cupcakes and banana pudding. I'm going to have to choose either/or. |
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Lisa, don't feel bad about your lapse. I caved yesterday myself. I fasted wirh no lunch but at dinner I had a big sandwich with BREAD and a mini bag of Doritos, cheese. I bought a bread roll in the groceries. I miss bread. I had a couple more snack bags in the pantry of Doritos and those went out into the garbage. I can't keep Doritos in the house. I'm back on track today. Wednesday will be a bad diet day. My friends are making me a birthday dinner with cake. Sigh. I insisted on a mini cake so that I wouldn't be bringing any home! Last Edited on: 8/26/22 7:44 AM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
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I caved today too. I went by DD & got one doughnut & a small hot vanilla chai tea latte on my way into work. My eating has been all out of whack this month as I knew it would be. But last time I weighed in I was only like 1 pound up from last month so hanging onto hope for the last few days. Knowing September should be better b/c my schedule should get back to normal. |
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Teri and Shayla, you made me feel better about my 'lapse in discipline.' Teri, good for you to throw out the rest of the Doritos. I hate throwing food away, but sometimes that is the better choice. Have you tried any of the low carb breads? I hear that the Ezekiel bread is pretty good. I'd miss bread, carbs in general, way too much to try to do a low carb diet. Out of whack schedules really make it hard, Shayla. Looking for a better September myself. |
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I see a trend in the recent posts. We all lapse periodically. We just own it and move on. I weighed 125.2 this morning. I am doing well by eating only two meals a day. I am limiting myself to one serving of bread during the week. I will eat more calories and carbs since it's the weekend. I always do. I'm going to be mindful of portion size and not overeat. |
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I remembered a time period before I retired when I was on a low fat diet. The bread I love was fat free so I'd scarf down a loaf a week all by myself! No wonder I gained weight! I just checked Carb Manager. I've had 7 carbs and 500 calories today so far. I'm planning on sweet corn and a grilled hamburger (with cheese) for supper. That will raise my total today to 47 carbs and 1110 calories. Also figure in that I stacked wood today. So, not bad. Last Edited on: 8/27/22 2:18 PM ET - Total times edited: 2 |
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Hi everyone. Teri, your carb count and calorie total sounds great. I like that you've found something you can make work for you without feeling too deprived. Melissa, yes, we all lapse. I think it's a good sign when we can own it and not try to justify or deny it. I hosted Mexican Train at my house today. Calorie laden meal, and banana pudding and a cupcake for dessert, but the win was that I sent all the leftovers home with other people. There was probably half the bowl of pudding left and I told them, "not trying to force anyone to take it, but if you don't I am throwing it away." They didn't want me to throw it away. As soon as I put it in containers for them to take I ran water in the bowl so I wouldn't be tempted to clean it up by eating it. :) I'm okay with the way the whole day shaped up, even knowing I ate more than I probably should have. I lost .6 pounds from last Saturday when I weighed in at Weight Watchers this morning. I expect to be up tomorrow, but maybe still down from last Sunday morning. We'll see. I feel like I'm pretty much on track with my habits - new for August and the ones I established starting in January. I need to give some thought to a September habit. |
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Good Morning Everyone. Hope you're enjoying your weekend. I'm happy to say I'm down 3.3 lbs. for the week. Hopefully it'll continue to go in the right direction this coming week. I find on the days I work mornings I don't eat as much thru-out the day than I do on the non-work mornings. I really do better to hold off eating til around lunch time, otherwise I tend to graze thru-out the day. And I think part of that reasoning is due to boredom. But I'm doing better at being more mindful of what I eat and drink. Try not to have too many empty calories. I hope everyone has a good week. |
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Good morning. Weight was up 1# at my official weigh-in today. That's okay though. I wasn't at all surprised. Vicki, I think sometimes my eating is out of boredom too. My August habit of having to sit at the kitchen or dining room table to eat, even snacks, is helping with that, although I don't feel like I've totally cemented that habit. Mindful eating is such a key I think. Realizing that everything I eat is a choice, and then trying to make good choices. Time to head to church, but wishing y'all a good day. |
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I weighed in today..125. I was 123 at the end of July. I knew this month would be a bust, but I'm motivated to get back on track & down to 123 again in Sep. Congrats Vicki on the weight loss! |
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September 2022 Health and Fitness SupportNew topic is ready. I'm still hovering around 125. |
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No weight loss this week. My birthday is today (69) and I'm having subs, cake and ice cream. CARBS! I know whatever I gain this week will go away next week, with focus. Last Edited on: 8/31/22 7:59 AM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
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I weighed in today being that it was the last day of the month...123.8. Only up about a half a pound from 8/1, not too bad for a month that was a total bust on keeping up with goals/habits. I will be back on track next month, starting tomorrow! |
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Trying to decide what a good September goal is. I guess I need to nail it down since tomorrow is September 1. My friend decided to give up on Weight Watchers and since I was only going to support her, I've come to the end of that journey. I wasn't doing the program anyway. Just going to the meetings with her and doing my IF. I cancelled the coach part (the part you pay for) of my IF app too because I think I've done it long enough to do it on my own as far as the schedule. If not, I can always go back to the coach, but in the last few months it seems like I don't choose the coach schedule anyway. I just do one of my own that I saved in the app. After two plus years I think I am just pretty much naturally doing it. It is pouring down rain right now and I am wondering if it will stop before it's time for me to go to the gym. I hope so. That's still an hour or so away, so maybe it will. I'll check the September thread in the morning and post whatever I decide to make my new habit for the month. |
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Apparently oral surgery is an expensive weight loss program. I weighed in at 147.7 this morning. The beginning of August I was 152. My diet the last week has been scrambled eggs with spinach, oatmeal, smashed avocados, fish and applesauce. I know the weight will creep up once I start eating more food. I also had some ice cream and cake this past week. Go figure! I arrived in Michigan today for a wedding this weekend. I must try hard to not undo all that I've lost. Last Edited on: 8/31/22 10:25 PM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
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Last Edited on: 9/11/22 9:36 PM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
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