Helpful Score: 3
This is NOT a "how deal with anorexia book". It is SO MUCH MORE. I have never had anorexia, and it is the most significant and life changing book I've ever read. How I treat myself and other women is forever altered, for the better. Caroline described feelings that I too have had, but didn't fully realize or was able to define. I've recommended and loaned this book to all of my friends. Some were so startled by the discoveries that they had to break from it periodically for reflection. A truly amazing book. I strongly encourage every woman to read it.
Helpful Score: 1
I really did not care for this book at all. Basically, she tries to tie things like eating disorders, compulsive shopping, self-harm, and excessive drinking all together as a reaction to appetites that have been thwarted or shamed. That general idea seems sensible enough, but when she tries to expound on it, it becomes nonsensical or just plain frustrating. I couldn't recognize myself or anyone I know in what she was saying and the constant no-win mother-blaming became frankly offensive. Later in the book, she starts referencing psychoanalytic theorists directly, and the non-stop criticism of mothers (*every* kind of mother) without even a mention of fathers, much less an actual discussion of their roles in their daughters' lives, suddenly makes sense. Feh. Moving on.