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Topic: Anyone read the Jane Yellowrock series?

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Subject: Anyone read the Jane Yellowrock series?
Date Posted: 5/14/2016 10:37 AM ET
Member Since: 2/25/2007
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I've been reading through this series, featuring Jane, a supe herself who works as a hunter of rogue vampires. It's set current-day, real world (mostly New Orleans and around Asheville) except that vamps and other supes are part of the population.

I thought these books started out great, but the more recent ones have gone over the top; just soo much weirdness it's hard to keep track of what's happening and who's doing what to who.

bellemorte avatar
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Date Posted: 5/20/2016 10:38 AM ET
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I've been meaning to check out that series. I just started reading Patricia Brigg's Alpha & Omega series. The theme seems to be werewolves (packs) operating under cover from the general public. The lead is an abused Omega wolf, she's like a non-agressive alpha that has a calming influence over others. They've introduced dark magic/witches but no other supernaturals so far. I've read the prequel and book 1.. starting 2 today. Not bad... I'm enjoying the read but not toally in love. I plan to check out her Mercy Thompson series as well. 

I can completely relate to "over the top" weirdness with one of my favorites, Laurell K. Hamilton. I loved her Anita Blake series. But it started dropping off for me the further in she got. The earlier books were great plots with mystery and danger. I loved the action and racey scenes. Later on it just seemed like she was focused on the smut aspect and Anita basically building a harem of various powerful supes. I lost interest and haven't read the last 3-4 books. I'll have to reread and see if she got back on track.

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Date Posted: 5/21/2016 12:40 AM ET
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I'll have to reread and see if she got back on track.

Brittaney, in one word:  NO.

sulock avatar
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Date Posted: 5/26/2016 4:03 PM ET
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I enjoyed the first books of Jane Yellowrock, just stopped when the plot fell apart and she just road around on her motorcycle looking for a story.  I don't think I read any further than 60 pages and quit.  Hamilton just got too weird and really no in my estimation plot.

vampsteph avatar
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Date Posted: 7/9/2016 7:38 AM ET
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Books 4 & 5 were just posted to you WL!! Can't wait!