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Topic: Has anyone else lost instant credit due to post office?

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Subject: Has anyone else lost instant credit due to post office?
Date Posted: 8/26/2024 9:55 AM ET
Member Since: 11/12/2005
Posts: 1,381
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I print all my labels with the tracking on them, but every week when I take my books to the post office, it is a day or two after I mail them that they mark them scanned.  For example, I just sent a bunch of books on Saturday and one was scanned on Saturday, but 4 other packages weren't scanned until Sunday.  Due to transportation and my husband's work schedule, I can only get to the post office on Tuesday and Saturday and so because of this, I can't get the ability to get instant credit back.  Is there anything that I can do?

lionrose avatar
Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 8/26/2024 6:33 PM ET
Member Since: 6/30/2007
Posts: 3,519
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Theresa, not sure what you mean. If you're using printable postage you get your credit as soon as you mark the book mailed. It doesn't depend on the post office, sometimes they don't even scan until the destination. And there's no hard rule that you have to wait to mark mailed until you put the book in the box, though it's preferred. I'll mark them when I hand them to my husband on his way out as I trust they'll be deposited right away. What is happening? How are you not getting a credit?