English Mystery with an interesting story-orphaned young woman with an unknown past. I normally do not care for English mysteries, but I really enjoyed this one. It is a really good story.

I really like Wentworth's mysteries. But that is not why I gave his one 5-stars. By the time an author has written a dozen or so books with the same character, you begin to see a pattern. I do see some of this in her books, but many of them vary. I think this one was very different from her other "Miss Silver" mysteries, and I really enjoyed it. In many ways, the plot development was not at all like her other books. And her characters behaved much different also. In fact, I was very surprised as to how she portrayed Inspector Abbott in this one.

Good Miss Silver mystery, it's one of my keepers. Most of Patricia Wentworth's books are worth reading. They were mainly written in the 1930's and 40's, and are in the English country house murder mystery genre. There is always a romantic subplot and most of them feature the private detective Miss Silver(think Christie's Miss Marple). They are all out of print, and most of the ones I've collected came from used book stores. Many of them are going for way over the original cover price on Amazon now, so if cozy British mysteries are your cup of tea, I would grab them here.