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Alice Redux: New Stories of Alice, Lewis and Wonderland
Alice Redux New Stories of Alice Lewis and Wonderland Beyond the Looking Glass with Donya Currie Arias, Beth Bachmann, Bruce Bauman, Jeffrey M. Bockman, Angela Carter, Robert Coover, Ann Downer, Kevin Downs, Rikki Ducornet, CMDupre, Alison Habens, Susan Hankla, Ann Harries, Dorothy Hickson, Alice Owens Johnson, Steven Millhauser, Miles David Moore, Dave Morice, Jeff Noon, Lance Olsen, Victoria Popd... more »an, Doug Rice, Katie Roiphe, Lorraine Schein, Martin Seay, Aurelie Sheehan, Susan Sherman, David R. Slavitt, MaryAnn Suehle, Ross Taylor, Tom Whalen, and photos by Nancy Taylor. “Alice Redux is a potent and heady brew; conveying a surreal and intense array of atmospheres and phantasmagorical takes on the original tale, this is a collection by some of the finest and most imaginative writers around. Alice proves to be a Muse in hairband and pinafore; this collection of Alice in Wonderland inspired stories should most definitely be labelled Drink Me.” -- Joolz Denby, author of Billie Morgan “Alice--the hippest girl in Victorian England, the first postmodern heroine--is back, reflected in the looking-glasses of some of the most imaginative writers of our day. Many of my favorites are here--Carter, Coover, Ducornet, Olsen, Sheehan--as well as some intriguing strangers. (And Nancy Taylor's photographs had me fainting in coils.) The literary Alice exerts the same fascination on the contributors that Alice Liddell did on Lewis Carroll, liberating the imagination, loosening the tongue. This is a superb anthology, a Wonderland of fiction wild and new.” --Steven Moore, editor of Over the Rainbow? Hardly “Drawing their inspiration from the imaginative feast that is Alice in Wonderland, these stories are by turns funny, moving, and best of all, startling; each surprises in its own way, and each allows us to inhabit, for a little while longer, a world we didn't even realize we missed.” – Carolyn Parkhurst, author of The Dogs of Babel« less