I got a copy of this book to review through NetGalley. Kova has also written the Air Awakens series which I have on my shelf to read but have not read yet. This was a well done fantasy story set in a very creative world. I did had some trouble staying engaged in the story because the writing style didn't flow all that smoothly.
The book starts out at a good fast pace and the initial character of Ari is intriguing. I loved this world of Dragons and the more human and shorter lived land dwellers. There are a lot of steampunk elements to the story and Kova did a great job of blending steampunk and fantasy elements together.
I am having trouble putting my finger on exactly what it was...but I struggled a bit with the writing style. I really had to focus to read it and the words just didn't flow all the smoothly off the page for me. This resulted in me being easily distracted while reading the story and never feeling like the book really sucked me in.
Overall this was a solid steampunk fantasy. The world building is amazing and the characters are interesting. I struggling some with how the writing flowed and with staying engaged with the story. Given that, even though I enjoyed the world, I probably won't read future books in this series.
The book starts out at a good fast pace and the initial character of Ari is intriguing. I loved this world of Dragons and the more human and shorter lived land dwellers. There are a lot of steampunk elements to the story and Kova did a great job of blending steampunk and fantasy elements together.
I am having trouble putting my finger on exactly what it was...but I struggled a bit with the writing style. I really had to focus to read it and the words just didn't flow all the smoothly off the page for me. This resulted in me being easily distracted while reading the story and never feeling like the book really sucked me in.
Overall this was a solid steampunk fantasy. The world building is amazing and the characters are interesting. I struggling some with how the writing flowed and with staying engaged with the story. Given that, even though I enjoyed the world, I probably won't read future books in this series.

Good story with great characters. The story itself was interesting and the world that it was centered around was captivating but what sold the story for me was the characters. By then end of the book I was so endeared to Ari, Florence & Cvareh. I'm very excited to find out what happens with this group. Will continue to the next book.