Helpful Score: 1
This book was, thankfully, a whole lot better than the first. Both main characters were well defined and likable; their chemistry, palpable. The story line was gripping and well, almost plausible.
The book really flowed for me, it's a page turner. I liked the secondary characters and enjoyed seeing their lives play out in that happily ever after warm fuzzy way that only romances can deliver. The author wrote a book that is easy to read and hard to put down.
So why only 3 stars? Like the first book there are a few things I just couldn't get on board with. Once again the main characters take the law into their own hands. Though, in this one they still work with the police, there is still a whole lot of investigating and amateur sleuth playing that just gets on my nerves. Especially when a side character gets hurt playing PI and the main characters charge on like no big deal.
My other rather large gripe had to do with Mattie and her man issues. I didn't buy it. I couldn't. Her father dies unexpectedly at an early age of natural causes. Mattie is a young girl and because he didn't leave them financially high on the hog - she can't trust men. *rolls eyes* If her father left them purposefully and penniless, then yeah I can see why she'd have some man hate. But from what I gather from the story he was a good father, her mother and him had a good marriage, all that he did wrong was die too early and with no life insurance. This is where I have to say Sh!t happens, grow up, get over it... Move on already! She also had man issues because of an ex-boyfriend. That resentment rang true and if the author would have left out the father BS, it would have made Mattie's character more believable.
Gripes aside, this was definitely a good read. The storyline was exciting and kept you on your toes. Do I think I will read Dev's story, the 3rd book in this trilogy? I am on the fence. I think Kat Martin and I have different ways at looking at things that just may prevent me from ever trully loving one of these books.
Cherise Everhard, April 2010
The book really flowed for me, it's a page turner. I liked the secondary characters and enjoyed seeing their lives play out in that happily ever after warm fuzzy way that only romances can deliver. The author wrote a book that is easy to read and hard to put down.
So why only 3 stars? Like the first book there are a few things I just couldn't get on board with. Once again the main characters take the law into their own hands. Though, in this one they still work with the police, there is still a whole lot of investigating and amateur sleuth playing that just gets on my nerves. Especially when a side character gets hurt playing PI and the main characters charge on like no big deal.
My other rather large gripe had to do with Mattie and her man issues. I didn't buy it. I couldn't. Her father dies unexpectedly at an early age of natural causes. Mattie is a young girl and because he didn't leave them financially high on the hog - she can't trust men. *rolls eyes* If her father left them purposefully and penniless, then yeah I can see why she'd have some man hate. But from what I gather from the story he was a good father, her mother and him had a good marriage, all that he did wrong was die too early and with no life insurance. This is where I have to say Sh!t happens, grow up, get over it... Move on already! She also had man issues because of an ex-boyfriend. That resentment rang true and if the author would have left out the father BS, it would have made Mattie's character more believable.
Gripes aside, this was definitely a good read. The storyline was exciting and kept you on your toes. Do I think I will read Dev's story, the 3rd book in this trilogy? I am on the fence. I think Kat Martin and I have different ways at looking at things that just may prevent me from ever trully loving one of these books.
Cherise Everhard, April 2010