Advanced Framing Advanced Framing Technqiues Troubleshooting Structural Design This book contains 46 of the best framing articles published in JLC - all written by hands-on experts. The book covers a broad range of topics on tools, building layout, floor, wall, and roof framing, engineered lumber, energy details, and more. Over 250 photos and illustrations. Topics include - - Sizing Joists & Beams - Common Framing Errors -... more » Engineered Lumber - Cantilevered Floors - Truss Installation - Steel Studs - Sill Repair & Jacking - Curved Walls - Seismic Bracing - Removing Collar Ties - Production Roof Cutting - Superinsulated Systems - Curing Truss Uplift - Raising Dormers - Stress-Skin Panels - Structural Steel - Demolition Tips« less