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Topic: 2018 Reading Challenge?

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Subject: 2018 Reading Challenge?
Date Posted: 11/20/2017 9:05 PM ET
Member Since: 5/31/2009
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Suggestions for the 2018 Nonfiction Reading Challenge.  Help!  What do you want to see here?  

Last Edited on: 12/4/17 6:07 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
susank17 avatar
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Date Posted: 12/14/2017 11:19 AM ET
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Hi R E K!  I'd participate.  I'm no good with categories, but there are a lot of challenges out there.  Maybe we could do some sort of challenge aggregate, like the news aggregates.  One topic from BookRiot, one from BookBub, one from Goodreads, etc, sort of see what others are doing too.  It wouldn't be very unified though.  Just a thought.

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Date Posted: 12/14/2017 11:50 AM ET
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I have pretty much dropped out of this forum. I was interested while it was biography and memoir. Now that it has become nonfiction it doesn't interest me.

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Date Posted: 12/14/2017 2:31 PM ET
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How about making this challenge a biography/memoir or nonfiction for most categories?   Would that work?  I know Charles would like to see sports included.  If the categories were broad enough one could include what they want to read incluidng travel, sports, etc.  I may not participate in a couple of challenges next year because I am trying to move books from my shelves and those challenges have become restrictive yet offer no alternatives.  GR often has three choices for a category.  I'll put something together and post it here for review.  All suggestions welcome!

Last Edited on: 12/14/17 2:35 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
amistad avatar
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Date Posted: 12/14/2017 6:38 PM ET
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I have never participated before but I have biographies and memoirs coming out of my ears that I need a challenge to help me read...any subjects are good with me...I seem to have a little of everything...I am short on straight nonfiction or histories...but I may be able to find something that works if its not too restrictive...whatever you put together is good with me REK

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Subject: Look at this suggested listing! Feel free to make suggestions.
Date Posted: 12/15/2017 7:39 PM ET
Member Since: 5/31/2009
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2018 Biography/Memoir/Nonfiction Challenge 

(Read your choice for any category but be sure to tell us which)

WILD CARDS:  Substitute your personal choice for any of the categories below.  Of course, the term someone could be defined as an animal, too.  Some of us read more in one area than another but do try a few new categories!

1.  Travel:  Read a book about travel or a book where there is considerable traveling by one or more characters (explain), or a book about somewhere you would like to travel (tell us why).

2.  Sports:  Read a book about someone who participates in a sport (explain), or a book about learning a sport, or a book in which has someone playing a sport is not the main focus (elaborate).

3.  The Public Eye:  Read a book about someone who participates in governing of any form, or read a book about anyone who finds themself in the public eye, or read a book about leadership or a leader.

4.  Humor:  Read a book by a comedian, or read a book that tickles your funny bone (a joke book, for example), or read a biography or nonfiction book that makes you feel good (tell us why).

5.  It's new!  Read a book about an emerging public personality, or read a book that was published in 2016, 2017 or 2018, or read a book by an author new to you.

6.  Leisure:  Read a book about someone whose vocation can or is continued throughout a lifetime, or read a book about a leisure activity you would like to pursue, or read a book about play in any form.

7.  Games!  Read a book about an individual whose sport is their livlihood, or read a book about how to play a game (bridge or golf, for example) or read a book about someone associated with games or gaming (explain). 

8.  Oldie but goodie:  Read a book about someone in the public eye who has died or read a book about an activity rarely practiced today or read a book about growing old with a fictional or living character.. 

9.  From your TBR:  Read the oldest book on your shelf or read the newest book on your shelf or read any book you have been wanting to read.

10.  It's your choice!  Read any biography or nonfiction book you wish.



Last Edited on: 12/28/17 10:35 AM ET - Total times edited: 3
amistad avatar
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Date Posted: 12/15/2017 9:35 PM ET
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I love it REK! I think there is lots of room for personal selection in there! I can even find room for the animal books I have collected I need to read...

susank17 avatar
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Date Posted: 12/15/2017 11:12 PM ET
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Looks good to me. I've got several books that fit.