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Topic: 2018 Biography/Memoir/Nonfiction Challenge - LISTS

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Subject: 2018 Biography/Memoir/Nonfiction Challenge - LISTS
Date Posted: 12/28/2017 12:08 PM ET
Member Since: 5/31/2009
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2018 Biography/Memoir/Nonfiction Challenge 

This one is done and I had so much fun finishing it.  My reading selections filled out this challenge nicely.  Hope it worked as well for others.

(Read your choice for any category but be sure to tell us which)

WILD CARDS:  Substitute your personal choice for ANY of the categories below.  Of course, the term someone could be defined as an animal, too.  Some of us read more in one area than another but do try a few new categories!

1.  Travel:  Read a book about travel or a book where there is considerable traveling by one or more characters (explain), or a book about somewhere you would like to travel (tell us why).  The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History by Robert M. Edsel (group travels searching for the treasures that the Nazis stole in WWII),  9/20/2018,5 stars.

2.  Sports SUBSTITUTE:  Zeitoun by Dave Eggers, 3/25/2018, 5 stars.  

This is an incredible read about what a family encounters following the ravages of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Zeitoun is a Syrian by birth who claimed the U.S. for his country and settles here with his lovely American wife, Kathy. A successful businessman who works hard he stays behind as the hurricane pounds the city. When he is arrested and lands in jail he doesn't know why. What he and his family endure as a result of this incident is unbelievable. Who knew that FEMA could take control of everything in one's life during such a catastrophe? Police, judicial, personal rights, freedom of speech all go by the wayside. When the arresting group decides that Zeitoun and the three men with him are guilty of "something" they have no rights and are imprisoned and treated to inhumane conditions for weeks and months.

3.  The Public Eye:  Read a book about anyone who finds themself in the public eye.  A CHANCE IN THE WORLD: An Orphan Boy, a Mysterious Past, and How He Found a Place Called Home by Steve Pemberton, 1/5/2018, 4  stars (An inspiring story about an orphan who survives his dismal life in a cruel family to become "a man of strength."  His assigned family and their cruelty becomes a public issue with airing of his story)

4.  Humor:  Read a book by a comedian Bossypants by Tina Fey, 1/12/2018, 3 stars.  This is a fun read where the author shares much about her life as a writer, comedian and mother.  There are many places where I laughed out loud as I read the book.  I so admire a woman who takes her place in a normally male dominated world.  Good read!

5.  It's new!  Read a book about an emerging public personality, or read a book that was published in 2016, 2017 or 2018, or read a book by an author new to youH Is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald, 3/8/2018, 4 stars  Fascinating book about a woman who loses her father and adopts a goshawk, one of the most difficult to train.  As she mourns the loss of her beloved father who was a news photographer she becomes enmeshed in the life of her hawk, Mabel, perhaps too much so.  This book is as much about grieving and loss as it is about training a goshawk.

6.  Leisure:  Read a book about someone whose vocation can or is continued throughout a lifetime, or read a book about a leisure activity you would like to pursue, or read a book about play in any form.  A Higher Call: An Incredible True Story of Combat and Chivalry in the War-Torn Skies of World War II by Adam MakosLarry Alexander, 8/6/2018, 5 stars.  The story is about two pilots who fought in WWII.  One is American and one is German.  Their brief encounter during the war is an incredible tale of valor and honor.  The American's plane was so badly damaged by German fighter planes that the German pilot could not believe that it was still in the air.  His compassion and admiration for the American pilot led him to spare the American plane and its crew.  He even escorted them part of the way home.  These two men would seek each other out many years later to share their side of that encounter and become good friends.  And, although both died in 2008 their story is told in this wonderful book.  Such an outstanding story.  (The two pilots continue flying and interacting with other pilots after the war so I think it belongs here.)

7.  Games!  Read a book about an individual whose sport is their livlihood, or read a book about how to play a game (bridge or golf, for example) or read a book about someone associated with games or gaming (explain).  Class A: Baseball in the Middle of Everywhere by Lucas Mann, 9/16/2018, 3 stars.  Great book to read about baseball in a small Iowa town.  Includes the author's own feelings and reactions and outstanding characters including players and fans.  Fun read.

This book is part memoir, part a dedication and chronicle of Class A baseball and those involved in playing, observing and dedicated to its continuation.  Several of the fans dreamed or tried to become players themselves.  When they failed to make the grade they became fans to encourage others.  The author discusses his own life including the loss of a brother who promised to watch him play but never made it.  It's an interesting and introspective treatise about baseball, people and a small town dedicated to supporting its Class A team.  Thought provoking!

8.  Oldie but goodieRead a book about someone in the public eye who has died or read a book about an activity rarely practiced today or read a book about growing old with a fictional or living character.  A Wolf Called Romeo by Nick Jans, 1/21/2018, 4.5 stars.  What an interesting story!  It's joy that the people felt as this young male wolf began to play with their dogs, greeting them whenever they took their dogs for walks.  Of course, the tale ends sadly but those brief years when Romeo was with them warmed the hearts and cheered the lives of the city's residents.  Wonderful!

9.  From your TBR:  Read the oldest book on your shelf or read the newest book on your shelf or read any book you have been wanting to read.  His Excellency: George Washington  by Joseph J. Ellis, 4 stars, 3/13/2018  This one was soo good I decided to reread it.  Love the author's writing.  He makes humans out of heros and famous people because he discusses their foibles as well as their outstanding personality traits.  Washington was a man who lived by his principles and stood up for them either in the battlefield or in politics.  He was said to lead a charmed life because time and time again he led his soldiers into battle but never sustained a wound.  Perhaps he did.  He certainly set high goals for those who would follow him.

10.  It's your choice!  Read any biography or nonfiction book you wish.   Bones Would Rain From the Sky: Deepening Our Relationships with Dogs by Suzanne Clothier, 5 stars.  Wonderful read!  Perhaps I enjoyed this one so much because we have a dog who talks to us.  This read helped me understand her communication better.  She's a most intelligent dog and loves to be noticed.  Thinks she is part of any conversation between DH and me!  Is that cool or what?  Yes, the author also pointed out mistakes that we have made with this wonderful member of the family too.  It's one I am thinking of keeping just for reference.

Last Edited on: 10/29/18 5:59 PM ET - Total times edited: 67
amistad avatar
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Date Posted: 12/29/2017 8:20 AM ET
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I will claim this one!

2018 Biography/Memoir/Nonfiction Challenge

(Read your choice for any category but be sure to tell us which)

WILD CARDS:  Substitute your personal choice for any of the categories below.  Of course, the term someone could be defined as an animal, too.  Some of us read more in one area than another but do try a few new categories!

1.  Travel:  Read a book about travel or a book where there is considerable traveling by one or more characters (explain), or a book about somewhere you would like to travel (tell us why). Diamonds and Dust: Sheryl McCorry 1/7

2.  Sports:  Read a book about someone who participates in a sport (explain), or a book about learning a sport, or a book in which has someone playing a sport is not the main focus (elaborate).

3.  The Public Eye:  Read a book about someone who participates in governing of any form, or read a book about anyone who finds themself in the public eye, or read a book about leadership or a leader.

4.  Humor:  Read a book by a comedian, or read a book that tickles your funny bone (a joke book, for example), or read a biography or nonfiction book that makes you feel good (tell us why).

5.  It's new!  Read a book about an emerging public personality, or read a book that was published in 2016, 2017 or 2018, or read a book by an author new to you.

6.  Leisure:  Read a book about someone whose vocation can or is continued throughout a lifetime, or read a book about a leisure activity you would like to pursue, or read a book about play in any form.

7.  Games!  Read a book about an individual whose sport is their livlihood, or read a book about how to play a game (bridge or golf, for example) or read a book about someone associated with games or gaming (explain). 

8.  Oldie but goodie:  Read a book about someone in the public eye who has died or read a book about an activity rarely practiced today or read a book about growing old with a fictional or living character.. 

9.  From your TBR:  Read the oldest book on your shelf or read the newest book on your shelf or read any book you have been wanting to read.

10.  It's your choice!  Read any biography or nonfiction book you wish.

Last Edited on: 1/7/18 2:36 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
susank17 avatar
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Date Posted: 12/29/2017 1:23 PM ET
Member Since: 1/10/2007
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WILD CARDS:  Substitute your personal choice for any of the categories below.  Of course, the term someone could be defined as an animal, too.  Some of us read more in one area than another but do try a few new categories!

1.  Travel:  Read a book about travel or a book where there is considerable traveling Nomadland by Jessica Bruder 2/4  Life in the growing community of RV, van, or car dwellers who migrate around the country not by choice, but in search of work. Some retired, some younger.

2.  Sports:  Read a book about someone who participates in a sport (explain), or a book about learning a sport, or a book in which has someone playing a sport is not the main focus (elaborate).

3.  The Public Eye:  Read a book about someone who participates in governing of any form, or read a book about anyone who finds themself in the public eye, or read a book about leadership or a leader.

4.  Humor:  Read a book by a comedian, or read a book that tickles your funny bone (a joke book, for example), or read a biography or nonfiction book that makes you feel good (tell us why).

5.  It's new!  Read a book about an emerging public personality, or read a book that was published in 2016, 2017 or 2018, or read a book by an author new to you. Dream Hoarders: How the American Upper Middle Class Is Leaving Everyone Else in the Dust, Why That Is a Problem, and What to Do about It by Richard V. Reeves 3/12 

6.  Leisure:  Read a book about someone whose vocation can or is continued throughout a lifetime, or read a book about a leisure activity you would like to pursue, or read a book about play in any form. More Home Cooking: A Writer Returns to the Kitchen by Laurie Colwin 5/14  Part cooking, part memoir by a writer who died at 48 in 1992. Follow-on to Home Cooking.

7.  Games!  Read a book about an individual whose sport is their livlihood, or read a book about how to play a game (bridge or golf, for example) or read a book about someone associated with games or gaming (explain). 

8.  Oldie but goodie:  Read a book about someone in the public eye who has died or read a book about an activity rarely practiced today or read a book about growing old with a fictional or living character..  The Devil in the White City - Erik Larson 7/8  The World's Fair in 1893 in Chicago. All the architects, engineers, designers, labor, and a mass murderer.  On CD, loved it.  5stars

9.  From your TBR:  Read the oldest book on your shelf or read the newest book on your shelf or read any book you have been wanting to read.

Educated- Tara Westover 12/17  Powerful memoir of life in a family of Mormon survivalists   5 Stars

10.  It's your choice!  Read any biography or nonfiction book you wish. Radium Girls - Kate Moore  12/25 Young women painted luminous clock dials from 1915-1978 with radium infused paint.  The author gives these women names and describes their fates.  She also details the early court cases in industrial health and safety law.  It was fascinating to see the results.  4 stars.

Last Edited on: 12/26/18 7:11 PM ET - Total times edited: 8