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Topic: 2016 Paranormal Challenge Discussion

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rxrcds avatar
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Subject: 2016 Paranormal Challenge Discussion
Date Posted: 12/5/2015 12:38 PM ET
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Here's the categories for the 2016 challenge. Feel free to start organizing books but only titles finished after 1/1/16 should be included. All books can be from any of these genres (unless specified to be certain ones per category): (UF, YA, mystery, paranormal romance, erotica, graphic novels & mangas are OK too).

Here is our Reading Challenge for 2016. Challenge starts Jan 1, 2016.

  • Read one in a category bronze medal.
  • Read two in a category for silver medal.
  • Read three in a category gold medal.
  • Read five in a category for platinum medal.
  • Read 10 in a category for overachiever/paranormal junkie status.
  1. Can't Wait for those New Releases - Read 1-10 new 2016 releases of any paranormal book.
  2. One is the Loneliest Number - Read 1-10 books that have either a one word title, is a stand alone novel or is 1st in a series.
  3. Happy Holidays - Read 1-10 books that take place during or mention a holiday.
  4. Heaven or Hell - Read 1-10 books that involve Angels or Demons.
  5. New To Me- Read 1-10 books by authors you haven't read before or that are #1 in a series.
  6. Odd Ball Paranormal- Read 1-10 books that have less popular paranormal characters (merpeople, pixies, fairies, orcs, trolls, elementals etc)/
  7. Color Me Blood Red - Read 1-10 books that have a color in the title or the color red on the cover.
  8. Life After Death - Read 1-10 books that have zombies, vampires, or ghosts.
  9. Collecting Dust - Read 1-10 books that have been on your TBR for 1+ years or that you had WL'ed for 1 year or more.
  10. Happily Ever After - Read 1-10 books that involve a HEA ending or are fairy tale reimaginings.

Alternates / Bonus categories: Don't like one above? Feel free to substitute with one of these or your own.

  • Cops & Robbers - Read 1-10 books that involve law enforcement or criminals.
  • It's the end of the World as we know it - Read 1-10 books with a world much different than our own (dystopian, post-apocalyptic, alternate history, etc).
  • I WANT IT NOW! - Read 1-10 books that you start reading within 24 hours of receiving, buying, downloading, etc.

Please do NOT feel like you need to do any specific level. Even doing just 1 per category is AWESOME! I've just expanded it to the 10 since we've got some power readers in the group.

You can add your list to keep track of books read to the post: 2016 Paranormal Challege LISTS ONLY.

Last Edited on: 3/13/16 10:32 AM ET - Total times edited: 2
ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 12/5/2015 12:47 PM ET
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Categories look great thanks for doing it.


entRedRaider avatar
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Date Posted: 12/5/2015 1:20 PM ET
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These look great, Melissa!  I'm loving the pared down list; I can still participate without feeling like it will take over my entire reading for next year!  Will spend some time next week filling slots from the TBR.  Although I never stick to them, of course.  angel

rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 12/5/2015 3:07 PM ET
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If anyone else wants to create some, please feel free & post here if you don't mind sharing.

vampsteph avatar
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Date Posted: 12/9/2015 7:47 AM ET
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I will be participating again. I found it fun to add all the books to the list! However, I am getting a puppy Friday!! I am guessing I will have less time to read!! LOL! The dog pictured in my posts is Greta - went to doggy Heaven in September. House was too quiet!

jemedwards avatar
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Date Posted: 12/12/2015 3:12 PM ET
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Is it OK to put titles in my list now so I can do some planning as I go thru my books?  I could asterik or highlight them so I could know which books I haven't read yet.

I have some books and as I go thru them looking for the next one to read I find myself thinking "i should save that for 2016" but I'm worried I won't remember the titles.

rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 12/12/2015 3:22 PM ET
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Whatever works easiest for you is fine. I know some people pre-fill out their lists then just either put the date read after it or highlight it. The only thing I would ask would be that if you finish one of them in the next few weeks before 1/1/16, then that particular one shouldn't be counted.

jemedwards avatar
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Date Posted: 12/12/2015 3:51 PM ET
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Understood, thanks!

jemedwards avatar
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Date Posted: 12/31/2015 5:30 PM ET
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Only 6.5 hours to go till I can open the books that I've been dying to read!cheeky


rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 12/31/2015 5:34 PM ET
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Technically, you can start now, just not finish until 12:01 to include it. wink

jemedwards avatar
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Date Posted: 12/31/2015 7:11 PM ET
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Well, I started Without Restraint (Southern Shields, Bk 1)  to hold me over these last few hours. 

orchid7 avatar
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Date Posted: 12/31/2015 8:21 PM ET
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I'm interested to hear what you think of that one, Jeanette.

melc avatar
Date Posted: 12/31/2015 9:47 PM ET
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Hubby is sleeping so I'm going to start my first book laugh until he wakes up!! No way will I finish before midnight though so I should be safe there.

Happy New Year!

rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 1/1/2016 5:43 PM ET
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1st book, Apocalypse Cowboy by Eve Langlais finished. This is an earlier novel from 2010, that's been reworked and published again. Can definitely tell it's an older work as it's not nearly as polished as her other books and this didn't really have any likeable characters.

ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 1/1/2016 5:58 PM ET
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I just finished Silver in the Blood :: Jessica Day George.

Excellent spin on the Dracula legend. The writing was excellent, could not up it down. I hope  she writes a book two. Highly recommend!!

EmilyKat avatar
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Date Posted: 1/1/2016 9:55 PM ET
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Good to hear. My library has Silver in the Blood.

jessicat avatar
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Date Posted: 1/2/2016 1:06 PM ET
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Thank you for doing the list again! Even though I have to admit I forgot to fill in my list sometime around March and had to go back through my BIR pile to see what I read and when, it was nice looking back at the end of the year to see all the categories I was able to fill.

Also glad to hear Silver in the Blood was good since I'm currently holding it in a swap and have been on the fence about reading it for awhile!

EmilyKat avatar
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Date Posted: 1/2/2016 5:32 PM ET
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I'll be here for the discussion. I won't be doing the challenge. I have a book list for each year. But I did not do well with keeping up the forum list two years ago. I can easily add to the book list from my tablet, but much harder to edit. 

rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 1/2/2016 5:37 PM ET
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No worries Emily! Feel free to give recommendations or just chat. I've never figured out how to edit, copy and paste or any of that from my tablets.

luvlove avatar
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Date Posted: 1/2/2016 8:37 PM ET
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Hello everyone! This is my first time doing this challenge and I'm excited to finally do it! I'm interested in finding new books to read and to get feedback about the books I already read through this forum. Looking forward to getting to know you all. laugh

rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 1/3/2016 9:22 PM ET
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Welcome Melanie! So glad you're joining us!

So, the last 24 hours has been full of a book binge thanks to Cold Heart of Magic by Jennifer Estep.

I LOVE the Elemental Spider series (for the most part) and was a bit nervous that this might just be much of the same. While there's similarities, there's enough difference to keep me interested. So, I'm very happy that I already have book 2 on deck.

melc avatar
Date Posted: 1/4/2016 10:54 AM ET
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Started the challenge with Beverly Rae's I Married a Demon. I don't know if I'll be able to read the 2nd book (I Married a Dragon). I had to force myself to finish Demon and it took me way to long to finish it. The main character was just TSTL and by the end of the book, I just wanted to smack her. 

I hope this isn't a sign on how my (reading) year is going to be crying. I have hope though because I know I've got some Lauren Dane, Lynsay Sands, and Juliana Stone in my future. Yippee!

sulock avatar
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Date Posted: 1/5/2016 12:07 PM ET
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I just finished Cold Hearted a Yancy Lazarus book by James A Hunter and really loved this one.  It is the second in a series and I think may be an ebook originally.

I thoroughly enjoy Yancy Lazarus the plots twist and turn and travel thru time and dimensions.  He is a Magi but not one of the group, he is a jazz player who is a fix it man.  This book gathers numerous odd happenings and different paranormal individuals together and it works.  I have read Jim Butcher, Ben Aaronovitch and many others who write about magic users Mr Hunter's books are as good or better.  I like the MC but also the additional characters he has around him.  I have already ordered his 3rd book.  Try them if you like other worldly and different books.

rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 1/7/2016 11:15 AM ET
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Finished Dark Heart of Magic, book 2 in the Black Blade series by Jennifer Estep. Not sure if this is going to be a trilogy or ongoing series, but this definitely suffers from middlebookitis. Not much forward progression in an overall plotline except for the final chapter. Whole story of this one felt like a rip off of HP Goblet of Fire. Still worth the read but not as WOW as the first book. And, seriously, I'm not four, there's no need to do the constant clang-clang-clang or whatever descriptions for sounds.

ASJ avatar
Alice J. (ASJ) - ,
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Date Posted: 1/8/2016 1:49 PM ET
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started a new series The Shadow Revolution (Crown & Key, Bk 1) :: Susan Griffith, Clay Griffith

I really like it. Set in Victorian England. Werewolves magic and great characters!!
