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Topic: 2015 Fantasy Challenge/ LISTS only

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garrity avatar
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Subject: 2015 Fantasy Challenge/ LISTS only
Date Posted: 12/31/2014 9:44 PM ET
Member Since: 3/9/2009
Posts: 8,982
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2015 Fantasy Challenge
a.k.a "The create your own challenge" challenge, Version 2.0 Redux

Thank you Melanti for creating this challenge!

Below are listed many categories of themes with more specific themes listed below them.
Pick any of the themes, specify what you're going to look for (if needed), and read 5 books filling that theme.
A theme can be repeated as long as each time you narrow it down to different specialization. For example, if you wanted to use a character's occupation, you could do one set with detective characters and another set with mercenary characters.
Books must be at least 100 pages in length.
You can double count as many books as you have categories.

Number of books
Light - 3 themes, 5 books/theme = 15 books
Medium - 6 themes, 5 books/theme = 30 books
Full - 9 themes, 5 books/theme = 45 books
Overachiever - 12 themes, 5 books/theme = 60 books

Heroes themes
disabled, disfigured or chronically ill
particular talent (magic user, musical talent, dancing, can wiggle ears, etc)
stage in life (YA, college age, career oriented, midlife crisis, etc.)

Sidekicks themes
Many - Ensemble Cast
None - One protagonist
Signifigant Other - BF/GF/Spouse/etc.
Work Related (Employee/Employer/Coworker)

Setting Themes
The current world (A recognizable modern earth)
An altered past (Historical, steampunk, alternate history, etc)
An altered future (post-apocalyptic, future dystopian, future science fantasy, etc)
Political Climate (War time, post-war, pre-war tensions, etc)
Environment (near oceans, deserts, mountains, forests, etc)
Other (Cities, circuses, labyrinths, schools, manor houses, ranches, etc)

Magic Themes
Open - Everyone Knows about magic
Hidden - Magic is kept secret
Plain Sight - Magic is seen but not recognized as such
Formalized - Schools/apprenticeships/wizard councils
Nonexistent - No magic
Multiple, separate magic systems

The "New" Theme
New releases
New authors - Début book by an author
New-to-you authors
New-to-you series
New Favorites (Books you'd rate 5/5 or 10/10 stars)
First/foundational books in any sub-genres or fantasy as a whole

The "Old" Theme
Old fogies (Published before you were born)
Old purchases (been on your TBR for awhile)
Old favorite authors
Series in progress
Old favorite books (rereads!)
Nostalgia - Books by authors you haven't read in a long time

Literary theme
Coming of Age
Man vs. Self
Man vs. God
Good vs. Evil
Change vs. Tradition
Fate vs. Free Will

Lists Galore!
Winners/Nominees of the same awards
Winners/Nominees of any award from same year
Books from authors who won the same career based award (Best new author, lifetime achievement, etc)
Books on same published or posted list
Books that inspired an author/Books that were inspired by an author
Books recommended or reviewed by a particular author, blogger, friend, or acquaintance

Unrelated Themes
Part of same sub-genre
Oddities (genre books by non-genre authors, non-genre books by genre authors, anthologies by authors who usually write novels, etc)
Anthology, Collection, or Omnibus
Published in same year or decade
Books in translation
Books published by an indie press or self-published

garrity avatar
Friend of PBS-Gold medal
Date Posted: 12/31/2014 9:47 PM ET
Member Since: 3/9/2009
Posts: 8,982
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This year I vow to overchieve!  Look, it's a fantasy forum, right?

Number of books
Light - 3 themes, 5 books/theme = 15 books
Medium - 6 themes, 5 books/theme = 30 books
Full - 9 themes, 5 books/theme = 45 books
Overachiever - 12 themes, 5 books/theme = 60 books

Heroes themes
disabled, disfigured or chronically ill
particular talent (magic user, musical talent, dancing, can wiggle ears, etc)
stage in life (YA, college age, career oriented, midlife crisis, etc.)

Sidekicks themes
Many - Ensemble Cast
None - One protagonist
Signifigant Other - BF/GF/Spouse/etc.
Work Related (Employee/Employer/Coworker)

Setting Themes
The current world (A recognizable modern earth)

  1. Foxglove Summer (Peter Grant, Bk 5) by Ben Aaronovitch
  2. St. Patrick's Gargoyle by Katherine Kurtz (7/15/15)
  3. Among Others by Jo Walton (8/27/15)
  4. Eight Million Gods by Wen Spencer (9/8/15)

An altered past (Historical, steampunk, alternate history, etc)

  1. Triumff: Her Majesty's Hero by Dan Abnett
  2. Bewitching Season by Marissa Doyle 6/25/15
  3. Darkling Thrush by Josh Lanyon (8/13/15)
  4. The Diamond Conspiracy (Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences, Bk 4) by Phillipa Ballantine & Tee Morris
  5. Radiance by Catherynne M Valente 12/515

An altered future (post-apocalyptic, future dystopian, future science fantasy, etc)
Political Climate (War time, post-war, pre-war tensions, etc)
Environment -  DESERT

  1.  The Buried Pyramid by Jane Lindskold 1/7/15
  2. The Six-Gun Tarot by R S Belcher 8/16/15
  3. Alif the Unseen by G Willow Wilson (11/28/15)

Other (Cities, circuses, labyrinths, schools, manor houses, ranches, etc)

Magic Themes
Open - Everyone Knows about magic
Hidden - Magic is kept secret
Plain Sight - Magic is seen but not recognized as such
Formalized - Schools/apprenticeships/wizard councils

  1. The Gate of Gods (The Fall of Ile-Rien, Bk 3) by Martha Wells 2/10/15
  2. The Thorn of Dentonhill by Marshall Ryan Maresca 12/19/15

Nonexistent - No magic
Multiple, separate magic systems

The "New" Theme
New releases
New authors - Début book by an author
New-to-you authors
New-to-you series

  1. Crowchanger: A Changers of Chandris Novel (Volume 1) by A C Smyth (7/18/15)
  2. The Cloud Roads (Books of the Raksura, Bk 1) by Martha Wells (9/6/15)
  3. The Man with the Golden Torc (Secret Histories, Bk 1) by Simon Green
  4. Sky Knife by Marella Sands
  5. Lady of Devices (Magnificent Devices, Bk 1) by Shelley Adina 6/17/15

New Favorites (Books you'd rate 5/5 or 10/10 stars)
First/foundational books in any sub-genres or fantasy as a whole

The "Old" Theme
Old fogies (Published before you were born)
Old purchases (been on your TBR for awhile)
Old favorite authors

  1.  The Silent Gondoliers: A Fable by S. Morgenstern by William Goldman 3/3/15
  2.  Hide Me Among the Graves by Tim Powers 9/20/15
  3. Lifelode by Jo Walton (10/6/15)

Series in progress

  1. Voyage of the Basilisk: A Memoir by Lady Trent (Natural History of Dragons) by Marie Brennan 5/26/15
  2. Redoubt: Book Four of the Collegium Chronicles by Mercedes Lackey (9/24/15)
  3. Bastion: Book Five of the Collegium Chronicles by Mercedes Lackey (9/26/15)
  4. Just Another Judgement Day (Nightside, Bk 9) by Simon R Green (10/5/15)
  5. His Clockwork Canary (Glorious Victorious Darcys, Bk 2) by Beth Ciotta (12/24/15)

Old favorite books (rereads!)
Nostalgia - Books by authors you haven't read in a long time

Literary theme
Coming of Age
Man vs. Self
Man vs. God
Good vs. Evil

  1. Lost Things (Order of the Air, Bk 1) by Melissa Scott and Jo Graham 2/8/15
  2. Hollow City: The Second Novel of Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs 3/3/15
  3. First Rider's Call (Green Rider, Bk 2) by Kristen Britain 5/12/15
  4. The Calling by David Mack 12/22/15

Change vs. Tradition
Fate vs. Free Will

Lists Galore!
Winners/Nominees of the same awards
Winners/Nominees of any award from same year
Books from authors who won the same career based award (Best new author, lifetime achievement, etc)
Books on same published or posted list
Books that inspired an author/Books that were inspired by an author
Books recommended or reviewed by a particular author, blogger, friend, or acquaintance

Unrelated Themes
Part of same sub-genre
Oddities - Nonfiction books

  1. My Life as a Night Elf Priest: An Anthropological Account of World of Warcraft (Technologies of the Imagination: New Media in Everyday Life) by Bonnie Nardi (8/23/15)

Anthology, Collection, or Omnibus


  1. The Legend of Eli Monpress by Rachel Aaron (5/30/15) (Contains The Spirit Thief, The Spirit Rebellion and The Spirit Eater)


  1.  Shelf Life: Fantastic Stories Celebrating Bookstores edited by Greg Ketter (6/26/15)
  2. The Fairy Reel: Tales for the Twilight Realm edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling (6/28/15)
  3.  Moving Targets and Other Tales of Valdemar edited by Mercedes Lackey (8/20/15)
  4. Treachery and Treason edited by Laura Anne Gilman and Jennifer Heddle (8/22/15


  1.  Hart & Boot & Other Stories by Tim Pratt (7/18/15)

Published in same year or decade
Books in translation
Books published by an indie press or self-published

Last Edited on: 12/24/15 6:26 PM ET - Total times edited: 41
Generic Profile avatar
Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Gold medalPBS Blog Contributor medal
Date Posted: 1/1/2015 6:29 PM ET
Member Since: 5/31/2009
Posts: 5,150
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I've been waiting for this one!  Thanks Lisa.


Pick any of the themes, specify what you're going to look for (if needed), and read 5 books filling that theme.
A theme can be repeated as long as each time you narrow it down to different specialization. For example, if you wanted to use a character's occupation, you could do one set with detective characters and another set with mercenary characters.
Books must be at least 100 pages in length.
You can double count as many books as you have categories.

Number of books
Light - 3 themes, 5 books/theme = 15 books
Medium - 6 themes, 5 books/theme = 30 books
Full - 9 themes, 5 books/theme = 45 books
Overachiever - 12 themes, 5 books/theme = 60 books

Heroes themes
occupation:  Thieves - Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch, 3/5/2015, 4 stars
disabled, disfigured or chronically ill - WWW: Wake by Robert Sawyer, 11/4/2015, 5 stars
particular talent (magic user, musical talent, dancing, can wiggle ears, etc):  Magic user: Rosemary and Rue by Seanan McGuire, 1/20/2015, 4.5 stars
stage in life (YA, college age, career oriented, midlife crisis, etc.)
antiheroes:  The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker (included here because a golem is supposedly violent and a jinni is self-centered but both are portrayed as heroes in this novel), 4/7/2015, 4 stars. a most entertaining read, The Gate of the Cat by Andre Norton, 4/19/2015. 4 stars.

Sidekicks themes

Many - Ensemble Cast:  Archangel by Sharon Shinn, 6/2/2015, 4 stars

None - One protagonist
Significant Other - BF/GF/Spouse/etc.
Work Related (Employee/Employer/Coworker):  Resurrection Day by Brendon DuBois, 5/6/2015, 4 stars

Setting Themes
The current world (A recognizable modern earth)
An altered past (Historical, steampunk, alternate history, etc)
An altered future (post-apocalyptic, future dystopian, future science fantasy, etc):  The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood, 2/26/2015, 5 stars,  Ancillary Justice, by Ann Leckie,  4/6/2015, 3.5 stars, Ancillary Sword, 6/2/2015, 4 stars, The Eyes of Heisenberg by Frank Herbert, 3 stars; Ancillary Mercy, 12/27/2015, 4 stars.
Political Climate (War time, post-war, pre-war tensions, etc)
Environment (near oceans, deserts, mountains, forests, etc)
Other (Cities, circuses, labyrinths, schools, manor houses, ranches, etc):  Summer Knight by Jim Butcher, 4/29/2015, 4 stars; Death Masks by Jim Butcher, 6/2/2015, 5 stars; Blood Rites by Jim Butcher, 10/24/2015, 3 stars

Magic Themes
Open - Everyone Knows about magic:  The Night Bird by Catherine Asaro, 6/27/2015, 3 stars; Book of Enchantments by Patricia C. Wrede, 4 stars, 10/5/2015.
Hidden - Magic is kept secret
Plain Sight - Magic is seen but not recognized as such:  The Woman Who Loved Reindeer by Meredith Ann Pierce, 1/19/2015, 5 stars;  Powers by Ursula LeGuin, 3 stars, 3/21/2015;  Gifts by Ursula LeGuin, 4/2/2015, 4 stars;  Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews,  9/2/2015, 3 stars.
Formalized - Schools/apprenticeships/wizard councils
Nonexistent - No magic
Multiple, separate magic systems

The "New" Theme
New releases
New authors - Début book by an author
New-to-you authors:  The Night Bird by Catherine Asaro, 6/27/2015, 3 stars

New-to-you series:  The Pit Dragon series by Jane Yolen:  Dragon's Blood, 12/1/2015, 4 stars
New Favorites (Books you'd rate 5/5 or 10/10 stars)
First/foundational books in any sub-genres or fantasy as a whole:  The Man-Kzin Wars by Poul AndersonLarry Niven (Editor)Dean Ing, 5/2/2015, 4 stars.

The "Old" Theme
Old fogies (Published before you were born)
Old purchases (been on your TBR for awhile)
Old favorite authors:  Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis, 1/4/2015, 3 stars;  
Series in progress:  

1.  Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer :  Authority, 10/6/2015, 4 starsAcceptance, 10/5/2015, 4 stars.

2. Ancillary Justice, 3/6/2015; Ancillary Sword, 6/3/3015, 4 stars; and Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie, 12/27/2015, 4 stars

3.  Dresden series:  Summer Knight by Jim Butcher, 4/29/2015, 4 starsDeath Masks by Jim Butcher, 6/2/2015, 5 stars; Blood Rites by Jim Butcher, 10/202015, 4 stars.

4.  Amber series:  Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny, 11/23/2015, 5 stars

Nostalgia - Books by authors you haven't read in a long time

Old favorite books (rereads!)

Literary theme
Coming of Age
Man vs. Self
Man vs. God
Good vs. Evil
Change vs. Tradition
Fate vs. Free Will

Lists Galore!
Winners/Nominees of the same awards:  Nebula Award:  Camouflage by Joe Haldeman, 5/29/2015, 4 stars; The Quantum Rose by Catherine Asaro; Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie, 3/6/2014, 4 stars; 2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson, 2/23/2015, 3 stars; Powers by Ursula LeGuin, 3/23/2015, 4 stars
Winners/Nominees of any award from same year
Books from authors who won the same career based award (Best new author, lifetime achievement, etc)
Books on same published or posted list
Books that inspired an author/Books that were inspired by an author
Books recommended or reviewed by a particular author, blogger, friend, or acquaintance

Unrelated Themes
Part of same sub-genre
Oddities (genre books by non-genre authors, non-genre books by genre authors, anthologies by authors who usually write novels, etc)
Anthology, Collection, or Omnibus:  After the King Stories in honor of J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Martin H. Greenberg; Eye by Frank Herbert, 2/11/2015, 3.5 stars,  Nebula Award Stores Eleven, edited by Ursula K. LeGuin, 7/9/2015, 4 starsBook of Enchantments by Patricia C. Wrede, 4 stars, 10/5/2015.
Published in same year or decade
Books in translation
Books published by an indie press or self-published


Last Edited on: 12/27/15 2:53 PM ET - Total times edited: 79
susank17 avatar
Standard Member medalPrintable Postage medal
Date Posted: 1/1/2015 11:02 PM ET
Member Since: 1/10/2007
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I like these challenges! Last year: 16 books.  This year, I hope for 20 (medium-light?)

Number of books
Light - 3 themes, 5 books/theme = 15 books
Medium - 6 themes, 5 books/theme = 30 books
Full - 9 themes, 5 books/theme = 45 books
Overachiever - 12 themes, 5 books/theme = 60 books

Heroes themes
stage in life (YA, college age, career oriented, midlife crisis, etc.) Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins 7/16 (YA)

Sidekicks themes
Many - Ensemble Cast
None - One protagonist
Signifigant Other - BF/GF/Spouse/etc.
Work Related (Employee/Employer/Coworker)

Setting Themes
The current world (A recognizable modern earth)
An altered past (Historical, steampunk, alternate history, etc)
An altered future (post-apocalyptic, future dystopian, future science fantasy, etc)  Station Eleven - Emily St. John Mandel 3/4
Political Climate (War time, post-war, pre-war tensions, etc)
Environment (near oceans, deserts, mountains, forests, etc)
Other (Cities, circuses, labyrinths, schools, manor houses, ranches, etc)

Magic Themes
Open - Everyone Knows about magic
Hidden - Magic is kept secret
Plain Sight - Magic is seen but not recognized as such
Formalized - Schools/apprenticeships/wizard councils
Nonexistent - No magic
Multiple, separate magic systems

The "New" Theme
New releases
New authors - Début book by an author
New-to-you authors
New-to-you series
New Favorites (Books you'd rate 5/5 or 10/10 stars)
First/foundational books in any sub-genres or fantasy as a whole

The "Old" Theme
Old fogies (Published before you were born)
Old purchases (been on your TBR for awhile)
Old favorite authors
Series in progress The Kingdom of Dust - Amanda Downum 3/5
Old favorite books (rereads!)
Nostalgia - Books by authors you haven't read in a long time

Literary theme
Coming of Age
Good vs. Evil
Change vs. Tradition
Fate vs.Free Will

Lists Galore!
Winners/Nominees of the same awards
Winners/Nominees of any award from same year
Books from authors who won the same career based award (Best new author, lifetime achievement, etc)
Books on same published or posted list

Unrelated Themes
Part of same sub-genre
Oddities (genre books by non-genre authors, non-genre books by genre authors, anthologies by authors who usually write novels, etc)
Anthology, Collection, or Omnibus
Published in same year or decade

Last Edited on: 7/15/15 10:12 PM ET - Total times edited: 4
DieHard avatar
Bruce -
Friend of PBS-Silver medalPBS Blog Contributor medal
Date Posted: 1/7/2015 7:52 PM ET
Member Since: 12/19/2008
Posts: 3,412
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2015 Fantasy Challenge 
a.k.a "The create your own challenge" challenge, Version 2.0 Redux

Thank you Melanti for creating this challenge!

Below are listed many categories of themes with more specific themes listed below them.
Pick any of the themes, specify what you're going to look for (if needed), and read 5 books filling that theme.
A theme can be repeated as long as each time you narrow it down to different specialization. For example, if you wanted to use a character's occupation, you could do one set with detective characters and another set with mercenary characters.
Books must be at least 100 pages in length.
You can double count as many books as you have categories.

Number of books
Light - 3 themes, 5 books/theme = 15 books
Medium - 6 themes, 5 books/theme = 30 books
Full - 9 themes, 5 books/theme = 45 books
Overachiever - 12 themes, 5 books/theme = 60 books

Heroes themes
disabled, disfigured or chronically ill
particular talent (magic user, musical talent, dancing, can wiggle ears, etc)
stage in life (YA, college age, career oriented, midlife crisis, etc.)

Sidekicks themes
Many - Ensemble Cast
None - One protagonist
Signifigant Other - BF/GF/Spouse/etc.
Work Related (Employee/Employer/Coworker)

Setting Themes
The current world (A recognizable modern earth)
An altered past (Historical, steampunk, alternate history, etc)
An altered future (post-apocalyptic, future dystopian, future science fantasy, etc)
Political Climate (War time, post-war, pre-war tensions, etc)
Environment (near oceans, deserts, mountains, forests, etc)
Other (Cities, circuses, labyrinths, schools, manor houses, ranches, etc)

Magic Themes
Open - Everyone Knows about magic
Hidden - Magic is kept secret
Plain Sight - Magic is seen but not recognized as such
Formalized - Schools/apprenticeships/wizard councils
Nonexistent - No magic
Multiple, separate magic systems

The "New" Theme
New releases
New authors - Début book by an author
New-to-you authors
New-to-you series
New Favorites (Books you'd rate 5/5 or 10/10 stars)
First/foundational books in any sub-genres or fantasy as a whole

The "Old" Theme
Old fogies (Published before you were born)
Old purchases (been on your TBR for awhile)
Old favorite authors
Series in progress

The Great Bazaar and Other Stories by Peter V Brett 1/13/15

The Bloody Cup by M. K. Hume 1/11/15
Old favorite books (rereads!)
Nostalgia - Books by authors you haven't read in a long time

Literary theme
Coming of Age
Man vs. Self
Man vs. God
Good vs. Evil
Change vs. Tradition
Fate vs. Free Will

Lists Galore!
Winners/Nominees of the same awards
Winners/Nominees of any award from same year
Books from authors who won the same career based award (Best new author, lifetime achievement, etc)
Books on same published or posted list
Books that inspired an author/Books that were inspired by an author
Books recommended or reviewed by a particular author, blogger, friend, or acquaintance

Unrelated Themes
Part of same sub-genre
Oddities The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss 1/31/15
Anthology, Collection, or Omnibus   "Rogues" edited by George R.R. Martin 1/2/15
Published in same year or decade
Books in translation
Books published by an indie press or self-published

Last Edited on: 2/1/15 11:54 AM ET - Total times edited: 2
trinket7 avatar
Standard Member medal
Subject: 2015 Challenge
Date Posted: 1/13/2015 3:24 PM ET
Member Since: 11/11/2014
Posts: 68
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OK, I am doing full in the Sci-fi challenge, so I am going LIGHT in this one.    I may split my 15 books among more than three themes.  PLANNED, IN PROGRESS, DONE

Number of books
Light - 3 themes, 5 books/theme = 15 books
Medium - 6 themes, 5 books/theme = 30 books
Full - 9 themes, 5 books/theme = 45 books
Overachiever - 12 themes, 5 books/theme = 60 books

Heroes themes
disabled, disfigured or chronically ill
particular talent (magic user, musical talent, dancing, can wiggle ears, etc)
stage in life (YA, college age, career oriented, midlife crisis, etc.)

Sidekicks themes
Many - Ensemble Cast
None - One protagonist
Signifigant Other - BF/GF/Spouse/etc.
Work Related (Employee/Employer/Coworker)

Setting Themes
The current world (A recognizable modern earth)
An altered past (Historical, steampunk, alternate history, etc)

An altered future (post-apocalyptic, future dystopian, future science fantasy, etc)
Political Climate (War time, post-war, pre-war tensions, etc)
Environment (near oceans, deserts, mountains, forests, etc) Gandalara series by Randall Garrett: The Steel of Raithskar
Other (Cities, circuses, labyrinths, schools, manor houses, ranches, etc)

Magic Themes
Open - Everyone Knows about magic  Owlflight, Owlsight, Owlknight by Lackey
Hidden - Magic is kept secret
Plain Sight - Magic is seen but not recognized as such
Formalized - Schools/apprenticeships/wizard councils Bartimaeus Trilogy by Stroud (already read The Amulet of Samarkand last year), The Golem's Eye, Ptolemy's Gate, The Ring of Solomon (prequel)
Nonexistent - No magic
Multiple, separate magic systems

The "New" Theme
New releases
New authors - Début book by an author
New-to-you authors  Myth adventures by Asprin (Another Fine Myth, M.Y.T.H. Inc Link and Myths and Impervections,  Myth Conceptions and Mything Persons )

New-to-you series Phaze series by Anthony (Split Infinity)
New Favorites (Books you'd rate 5/5 or 10/10 stars)
First/foundational books in any sub-genres or fantasy as a whole

The "Old" Theme
Old fogies (Published before you were born)
Old purchases (been on your TBR for awhile)
Old favorite authors
Series in progress
Old favorite books (rereads!)
Nostalgia - Books by authors you haven't read in a long time

Literary theme
Coming of Age
Man vs. Self
Man vs. God
Good vs. Evil  Redwall series (Redwall, Mossflower, Mattimeo)
Change vs. Tradition
Fate vs. Free Will

Lists Galore!
Winners/Nominees of the same awards
Winners/Nominees of any award from same year
Books from authors who won the same career based award (Best new author, lifetime achievement, etc)
Books on same published or posted list
Books that inspired an author/Books that were inspired by an author
Books recommended or reviewed by a particular author, blogger, friend, or acquaintance

Unrelated Themes
Part of same sub-genre
Oddities (genre books by non-genre authors, non-genre books by genre authors, anthologies by authors who usually write novels, etc)
Anthology, Collection, or Omnibus
Published in same year or decade
Books in translation
Books published by an indie press or self-published

Last Edited on: 7/7/15 1:12 PM ET - Total times edited: 19