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CJ OWENS - - Reviews

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The Amazing Discernment of Women: Learning to Understand Your Spiritual Intuition And God's Plan for It
Review Date: 12/30/2011

Once again the Lord has used Pastor Franklin to deliver true, practical, simplistic, original teaching. I appreciate the humble minstry that the Lord God has given this man. This book, though powerful in its own right, was very subtle; yet it still displayed Pastor Franklin's more personal and relaxed side. The Lord has a way of using him to point out little things that help disciples learn even more of the Word. I appreciate God's grace upon his family and ministry.

Bad Girls of the Bible and What We Can Learn from Them
Bad Girls of the Bible and What We Can Learn from Them
Author: Liz Curtis Higgs
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/27/2013
Helpful Score: 1

I read this book years ago and thought it was very funny, but also extremely sincere, and very informative. I greatly appreciate, respect, and admire the humility that it took for Ms. Higgs to write such a candid book: based on the women of scripture but also because she freely shares her growth within each page.

Because of Jesus
Because of Jesus
Author: Connie Witter
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/30/2011

A very nice, simplistic, easy to understandand apply book full of teaching with not just "default scriptures". The Lord used the author to display a really sincere, easy going, but powerful teaching.

Noteworthy excerpts:
"Lord, help me. I need your strength. Empower me by Your grace to love my husband with Your unconditional love." (page 144)

"You, however, are not a minister of the law, but of the Spirit. In other words, you would minister grace to that person. You would share with them how Jesus made them righteous and how His grace IS sufficient for their every weakness. You would point them toward a relationship with Jesus by encouraging them to ask Jesus to help them to forgive. You would tell them to draw their strength from Him and share with them how He is faithful to empower us to do what we cannot do in our own strength." (page 267)

Becoming the Noble Woman: God's Master Plan for the Ideal Wife and Mother
Review Date: 12/30/2011

One of the nicest workbooks I've ever had the pleasure of gleaning from. The Lord really used Ms. Young to help point out truth, nobility, honor, grace, style - all the elements that ladies truly need and want from God. It's very worthy of your time.

I would love to have been able to post this book but EVERY page has highlightSSS. EVERY page. :)

Noteworthy excerpts: (oh where do I begin?)
"In a relationship, start by having faith IN someone; then begin to establish the relationship by doing something good FOR the person... Control your tongue by listening well and saying only good things. Next, persevere in finding quantity and quality time to spend together... (page 145)

"You must be willing to give your expectations to God and let Him choose your friends." (page 99)

"To overcome sleep irregularities, be sure to do some kind of physical labor throughout the day, go to bed early enough to awaken early; lay your cares on Jesus in prayer; stop worrying; quote Scripture before falling asleep". (page 52)

The Best Thing I Ever Did for My Marriage : 50 Real Life Stories
Review Date: 1/26/2012

This book was very practical, light-hearted, but poignant. It reminds us of things that we can do that might seem small in stature but will give us Kingdom-sized results. It was a very enjoyable and pleasant read. The epilogue was a G R E A T summation to the book. :)

Bridge to Terabithia
Bridge to Terabithia
Author: Katherine Paterson
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/12/2012

This book is not one that ordinarily I would choose for my own reading. I had to read this book for a Children's Literature class, and it turned out to be a very easy read.

It's interesting how many children there are that actually could be the protagonist for this story. As an educator, I see children that could potentially fit this profile everyday.

Noteworthy excerpts:
"It made Jess ache inside to watch his dad grab the little ones to his shoulder, or lean down and hug them". (page 23)

"For the first time in his life he got up every morning with something to look forward to."

Both painful one-liners, but they are the realities that some of us as adults and especially children, must deal with every day.

Charlotte's Web
Charlotte's Web
Author: E. B. White, Garth Williams (Illustrator)
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.3/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/12/2012
Helpful Score: 1

I had to read this book for a Children's Literature class. It's not one that I would have chosen on my own. I've heard of the movie, but as a child, I have no memory of ever reading the book.

It's definitely a very creative storyline.

Noteworthy excerpt:
"...He planned to stand perfectly still and think of what it was like to be alive..."

This was noteworthy to me because his very life had been threatened. They wanted to kill him because they didn't think his life would amount to much. Anytime we come up against an enemy that wants to silence/kill us, we should be thankful for life. We out to reflect on how easily life is taken every day, but how God has given us another day. If you're reading this, then it is obvious that your family did not have to plan your funeral today. We rejoice that God saw fit to awaken us and has granted us yet another chance to be in the land of the living.

Dictionary of Real Estate Terms (Barron's Business Guides)
Review Date: 4/29/2013

Thinking of going into real estate, or are you new to real estate? This little book is chocked FULL of great, important information..

I bought it for a class a couple of years ago, and it was VERY helpful. I passed the class, but not the tests.. :( Those tests are expensive and I just didn't want to continue to "give away" money; especially when I wasn't even SURE if THAT was the field for me. (Turns it, it won't after all!)

But if you need this book, get it. It is a handy-dandy little reference book.

Divine Madness
Divine Madness
Author: Shellee A. Mitchell
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/30/2011

Shellee is a very dear, longtime personal friend, so my review of this book won't be long, lest it be biased. I will say however that Shellee gives her heart and compassion to God to better understanding and serving His handmaidens. Look for more good things to come through this vessel in the coming decade.

Does Your Tongue Need Healing?
Does Your Tongue Need Healing?
Author: Derek Prince
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/12/2012

I enjoy the continued teaching ministry of Derek Prince greatly. He was a man graced with an ability from God to get the point across in a very diplomatic, structured, but relatable and practical way. I respect his ministry greatly.

This book is very compact, having only 98 pages to read. It's not daunting or intimidating at all.

Noteworthy excerpt:
"What are you going to do with your tongue? Are you going to give assent to the promise of God? Are you going to identify yourself with the pronise of God and say, 'God said it; I'm able."

Don't Get Off the Train: En Route to Your Divine Destination
Review Date: 4/29/2013

This book was ok. I was expecting it to be great, informative and didactic; as it was from a woman of God.

It wasn't EVERYTHING that I thought it would be, but its a 'early' book of Prophetess Bynum; so maybe that's enough explanation.

Unfortunately, I read it so quickly (and re-swapped it just as quickly), so I don't have it to cite any details from.


Every Woman In The Bible (Everything In The Bible)
Review Date: 12/30/2011
Helpful Score: 1

One good book in my arsenal that I use for reference. It's good to sometimes simply sit and read this as a dictionary; it helps you to just be refreshed in your knowledge of women in Scripture.

The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective
The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective
Author: Martha Peace
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/30/2011

What can I say about this book? Can I even say enough? I will try. :) This book was given to me YEARS ago, and because of its "old fashioned" looking cover I thought, "Oh; I'll get to it eventually".

Naturally speaking, I wish I'd read it sooner! This book is VERY necessary for married couples in covenant; whether you're "in the church" or "not very religious". It TRULY is worth reading - more than once.

I appreciate Mrs. Peace for her candidacy, and for all of the (clearly evident) studying time and prayers that it took to be able to write such a book. I applaud her.

If you have an opportunity to order and read this book, go ahead. I can guarantee that as you read and pray through this book, YOU WILL BE BETTERED. If you want to be. Both your life, and the life of your marriage will change for the better. You won't regret it. I highly recommend this book to all of my married, female, forward line friends - and those that DESIRE to be married as well.

Exploring the World of Dreams
Exploring the World of Dreams
Author: Benny Thomas
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 2.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 12/28/2011

The author reaffirms symbolic meanings in a concise, easy-to-read format. It's a little book, but a handy addition to anyone trying to build upon the knowledge of symbolism and maintain a healthy dream library. Not a lot of definitions, but very. informative for those who are beginners of dream languages.

Extreme Faith Youth Bible: Contemporary English Version
Extreme Faith Youth Bible: Contemporary English Version
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/27/2013

I like ALL translations of the Holy Word of God; and this one is one for me. I've added it to my own library. For you can learn and receive from anything if God has opened your heart and mind to do so. The Contemporary English version is a very child-friend, easy to read understanding. It offers captions (or title segments) before specific passages to help the young reader understand what the subject of the next few scriptures is about.

Here's an excerpt of a random passage (Ecclesiastes 11:1-6):

"1) Be generous, and someday you will be rewarded. 2) Share what you have with seven or eight others, because you never know when disaster may strike. 3) Rain clouds always bring rain; trees always stay wherever they fall. 4) If you worry about the weather and don't plant seeds, you won't harvest a crop. 5) No one can explain how a baby breathes before it is born. So how can anyone explain what God does? After all, He created everything. 6) Plant your seeds early in the morning and keep working in the field until dark. Who knows? Your work might pay off, and your seeds might produce."

This Holy bible 'appears' to be geared for youths - boys in particular, but only because of the the front covers design. It has 3 youths (which appear to be all males), engaged in outside activity - skydiving, rock climbing, and skateboarding.

This book contains a mini dictionary, a section for famous passages, a bible chart, a "what the bible says about" section for quicker reference, and even a timeline for helping the youth to read through the bible in a year.

It also offers breakdowns of certain passages that the authors seek to use to bring even greater clarity for those coming of age. Example (when referencing Matthew 6:9-13):

"Praying is talking to God. You can talk to God about anything - like giving thanks for the good things and asking for help when you have problems. Jesus often prayed to God and taught His followed to pray."

There are also a few illustrations throughout this bible as well.

Not a bad "book" (no disrespect to God intended) to help our children draw nearer to our Mighty, but fun-loving God.

God's Armorbearer: How to Serve God's Leaders (Armor Bearer)
God's Armorbearer: How to Serve God's Leaders (Armor Bearer)
Author: Terry Nance
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/12/2012

This book is good for anyone seeking to understand just how important their submission is; whether it's to a husband, boss, pastor, parent, pta presidnt, etc.

Noteworthy excerpts:
"Their function is to take the load off their officer, and to help impart his vision to the people." (page 50)

"God called armorbearers are there to support the leader and to help fulfill the vision God has given him... See, with you by his side, your officer is ten times more powerful than he is alone." (page 51) This book is not just for those termed "Armorbearer" in a church environment. Christians across the world are servants. And as servants (or serving followers of Christ created and developing to be more like Him), simply replace the word *officer* with husband, parent, business partner, principal, etc. Anyone that you are accountable to, or have to default to on any level.

This was a very good, very effective, and very important writing. :)

God's Transmitters
God's Transmitters
Author: Hannah Hurnard
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 3.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/28/2013

I must admit that after reading Ms. Hurnard's other book - Hind's Feet on High Places - I was extremely disappointed with this one. It didn't seem to be nearly as focused as the former book, and was a bit of a struggle for me to read - but I did it!

I ordered it because after reading Hind's Feet... I was captured! I was hungering for more! But unfortunately, I was not able to completely enjoy this meal. Perhaps you will though, but it was not for me.

I only regret that I did not keep the book so that I could site specific references for the review; but it was one book that I thought would better bless someone else's library. (Sorry Ms. Hurnard if you ever read this. No disrespect intended.)

Hinds' Feet on High Places
Hinds' Feet on High Places
Author: Hannah Hurnard
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4.7/5 Stars.
Review Date: 9/21/2012

This book.. aahh.. I cannot say enough kind things about it.

This book was personal, timely (but then EVERYTHING God gives you is in His perfect timing), and obviously Spirit-inspired. This book was a NECESSARY read for my life, and I am thankful that the Lord would allow me to be able to read it in this lifetime.

This book was encouraging, moving, (did I mention personal),and creative in its usage of taking a simple creation and personifying so intimately.

This book will speak to the deep recesses of your heart if you let it. An easy, refreshing, laid-back but completely didactic teaching/reminder of our relationship with the One and Only, TRUE Shepherd and Bishop of our souls.


Holes (Holes, Bk 1)
Holes (Holes, Bk 1)
Author: Louis Sachar
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4/5 Stars.
Review Date: 2/25/2012

I'm not partial to stories of this plot. The book did have some humorous passages, but again, I'm not a fan of it. It all worked out in the end, but it was a depressing story - to me.

Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version
Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/12/2012

I love God and I love to study His word. I have several versions of the Word of God, but did not have this version - until PaperBack Swap and I met. :)

This paperback version of the Bible makes scriptures even simpler; plainer. They still stick to God's original intent, but the translation allows things to be read by a 65 year and a 5 year old together. It's really *easy to read*. :)

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