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Help Center - If you get a request in email, but cannot find it in your account...

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If you get an email notification of a request but there is no request on your account page: either the requestor canceled, the system canceled, or you canceled (perhaps in error); or you are not looking at the correct tab in My Account.

To sort this out:

First, look on My Account.  Look at the different tabs there: Requested From Me, Books to mail, Books I've Mailed, Wish List Holds.  *Scroll down if necessary to see these tabs*.  Click the tabs to see the transactions there--scroll down if necessary to see the list.  If you do not find the book request on any of the tabs, read on.

These are the possibilities:

  • The requestor canceled before you responded
    • If this was NOT a Wish Listed book
      • you will have gotten an email from PBS about the cancellation
      • the book will be back on your bookshelf
    • if this WAS a Wish Listed book
      • It might have been set to auto-request, and then the Wisher canceled
      • If it was passed to the next Wisher:
        • you will see the new pending Wish List offer when you log in
        • you will not have gotten an email from PBS about the cancellation
      • If there was no one else on the Wish List:
        • the book will be back on your bookshelf
        • you will have gotten an email from PBS about the cancellation
  • You didn't respond within 5 days and the system canceled the transaction
    • you will have gotten an email from PBS if this is the case
    • the book will have been removed from your bookshelf
    • if you want to swap the book, you need to repost it
    • You should read about how to put your bookshelf on hold to avoid this in future
  • You canceled the transaction by mistake
    • this will have removed the book from your bookshelf
    • you will not have gotten an email about a transaction you canceled yourself.
    • if you want to swap the book, you need to repost it
  • You declined the request by clicking My Book Does Not Meet These Conditions
    • The book will either have been offered to the next person on the Wish List (if there is a Wish List for this book) OR will be on your bookshelf, awaiting the next request.
    • You will not have been sent an email telling you that you declined this book for Requestor Conditions
    • You will not find this declined transaction in your Transaction Archive


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