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Details on Donating Books/PBS Money to Norview Elementary - VA

Charity Norview Elementary - VA

Thank you, PaperbackSwap Members!

This school has met its goals.

We hit our Book Credits goal!

We've raised 1000 of 1000 credits needed. (7 members have donated)1000 Credits ↓

We hit our PBS Money goal!

We've raised $115.00 of $115.00 needed. (2 members have donated)$115.00 in PBS Money ↓

Norview Elementary is a wonderful place to teach and learn. Our school is located in an urban community where 100% of our students can receive free breakfast and lunch at school.

At Norview Elementary, we work hard to help advance our school's mission that our students will become confident, responsible citizens, effective leaders, and innovative problem solvers. Each day students and staff honor our school pledge by doing our best to be the best and making choices that will help us succeed. Norview is a place where we make each day a great teaching and learning day by showing responsibility, respect, and concern for safety at all times.

Many of our students do not have access to books at home. The only library in the school's area is the school library. Many of them do not have access to the public library. Our students love books and get excited if they have a chance to get a book to keep as their own.

Thank you!

The staff at Norview Elementary School



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Thank you for your generous donations of book credits and money to provide my students with books of their own. They will be thrilled with the chance to pick out books that they can KEEP!
Laura G. (summersoff) -
12/05/2017 04:43 PM