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Allison R. - Wish List

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Appalachian Mountain Religion: A History
Appalachian Mountain Religion: A History
Author: Deborah Vansau McCauley
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 11/28/2009

Appalachian Mountain Religion: A History
Appalachian Mountain Religion: A History
Author: Deborah Vansau McCauley
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 11/28/2009

The ARMCHAIR MOUNTAINEER (The Armchair Library)
The ARMCHAIR MOUNTAINEER (The Armchair Library)
Author: Thorn
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 3/18/2022

C. S. Lewis: A Guide to His Theology (Blackwell Brief Histories of Religion)

The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy)

The Cambridge Companion to Classical Islamic Theology (Cambridge Companions to Religion)

The Cambridge Companion to Classical Islamic Theology (Cambridge Companions to Religion)

The Cambridge Companion to the Qur'an (Cambridge Companions to Religion)

The Cambridge Companion to the Qur'an (Cambridge Companions to Religion)

Changes of the Heart: Martha Beck Life Coaches Share Strategies for Facing Life Challenges

The Connectivity Hypothesis: Foundations of an Integral Science of Quantum, Cosmos, Life, and Consciousness

C.S. Lewis: A Guide to His Theology (Blackwell Brief Histories of Religion)

The Dream of Perpetual Motion
The Dream of Perpetual Motion
Author: Dexter Palmer
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 8/3/2011
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.

Eastern Orthodox Theology: A Contemporary Reader (2nd Edition)

Energy Medicine for Women: Aligning Your Body's Energies to Boost Your Health and Vitality

The Energy Medicine Kit
The Energy Medicine Kit
Author: Donna Eden
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 10/7/2014
  • Currently 4.8/5 Stars.

Everything but the Coffee: Learning about America from Starbucks
Everything but the Coffee: Learning about America from Starbucks
Author: Bryant Simon
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 9/21/2014

Folk Medicine in Southern Appalachia
Folk Medicine in Southern Appalachia
Author: Anthony Cavender
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 10/22/2009
  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

From the Ground Up: Grassroots Organizations Making Social Change

God Is Not a Christian: And Other Provocations
God Is Not a Christian: And Other Provocations
Author: Desmond Tutu
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 8/3/2011

Good Medicine: How to Turn Pain into Compassion with Tonglen Meditation

Healing Trauma Through Self-Parenting: The Codependency Connection

How To Choose A Career Now That You're All Grown Up: Evaluating Your Interests, Abilities and Goals to Find the Job That's Right For You

How to Live on Almost Nothing and Have Plenty
How to Live on Almost Nothing and Have Plenty
Author: Janet Chadwick
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 1/11/2010

How to Meditate With Pema Chodron: A Practical Guide to Making Friends With Your Mind

The Human Line
The Human Line
Author: Ellen Bass
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 11/2/2012

I Am Forbidden: A Novel
I Am Forbidden: A Novel
Author: Anouk Markovits
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 1/20/2013
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.

An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States
An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States
Author: Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 6/25/2020
  • Currently 3.9/5 Stars.

Indigenous Quotient/Stalking Words: American Indian Heritage as Future

Infections and Inequalities: The Modern Plagues, Updated Edition With a New Preface
Infections and Inequalities: The Modern Plagues, Updated Edition With a New Preface
Author: Paul Farmer
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 2/7/2013
  • Currently 4.7/5 Stars.

The Inner Journey: Views from the Jewish Tradition (PARABOLA Anthology Series)

Magic Shifts (Kate Daniels, Bk 8)
Magic Shifts (Kate Daniels, Bk 8)
Author: Ilona Andrews
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 9/12/2021
  • Currently 4.6/5 Stars.

The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins

The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins

Naming the Goddess
Naming the Goddess
Author: Trevor Greenfield
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 10/7/2014
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

The Old Enemy
The Old Enemy
Author: Neil Forsyth
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 4/17/2012

The Oregon Trail: An American Journey
The Oregon Trail: An American Journey
Author: Rinker Buck
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 11/2/2017
  • Currently 3.6/5 Stars.

Partner to the Poor: A Paul Farmer Reader (California Series in Public Anthropology)

Pema Chodron and Alice Walker in Conversation: On the Meaning of Suffering and the Mystery of Joy

Purification of the Heart: Signs, Symptoms and Cures of the Spiritual Diseases of the Heart
Purification of the Heart: Signs, Symptoms and Cures of the Spiritual Diseases of the Heart
Author: Hamza Yusuf
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 11/2/2012
  • Currently 2.3/5 Stars.

Putting Folklore To Use (Publications of the American Folklore Society New Series)

Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics and Liberation
Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics and Liberation
Author: Tariq Ramadan
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 9/12/2010

Religion and the American Mind: From the Great Awakening to the Revolution (Jonathan Edwards Classic Studies)

Rethinking Social Epidemiology: Towards a Science of Change
Rethinking Social Epidemiology: Towards a Science of Change
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 1/20/2013

The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex
The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 6/17/2010
  • Currently 3/5 Stars.

Rich a Adrienne Rich: Selected Poems
Rich a Adrienne Rich: Selected Poems
Author: Adrienne Rich
Book Type: Hardcover
Wish Date: 11/2/2012

Sacred Life: Spiritual Practices for Everyday Living (Ancient Faith Series)

The Screwtape Letters
The Screwtape Letters
Author: C.S. Lewis
Book Type: Paperback
Wish Date: 8/20/2010
  • Currently 5/5 Stars.

Smile at Fear: A Retreat with Pema Chodron on Discovering Your Radiant Self-Confidence

The Social Basis of Health and Healing in Africa (Comparative Studies of Health Systems and Medical Care, No 30)

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