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Andrea P. (andyoutloud) - Reviews

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Aquarium Plants (Mini Encyclopedia Series for Aquarium Hobbyists)
Aquarium Plants (Mini Encyclopedia Series for Aquarium Hobbyists)
Author: Peter Hiscock
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 1/1/2013

This was a great starter book for me when I first got into Nature Aquariums. The text is generally easy to read, loaded with information about how aquarium/water plants grow (which really gives you a back ground on the plants and makes it easier to not only keep them alive but thriving), lighting, substrate, basic plant types, etc.

A good book to have on hand when you need to look something up quickly but also great book to start with.

Beyond the Rainbow Bridge: Nurturing Our Children from Birth to Seven
Review Date: 2/27/2012

This book is simply amazing. If you are looking for more insight into waldorf curriculum in early childhood/kindergarten, this is the book for you. THe only reason why I am letting it go is because when I ordered mine a accidentally ordered two instead of one. My other copy will be with me forever as a very treasured book in my collection.

Circle Round : Raising Children In Goddess Traditions
Circle Round : Raising Children In Goddess Traditions
Book Type: Hardcover
  • Currently 4.1/5 Stars.
Review Date: 4/6/2012

I am a kindergarten teacher and a mother and this by far the most used book in my library. Each chapter in the book takes you through raising children in a goddess based tradition, celebrating the moon cycles and sun cycle celebrations in an easy to follow and kid friendly way. I can't recommend this book enough. Star Hawk, Diane Baker and Anne Hill have put together by far the best book for helping parent, teacher and anyone else that is interested in teaching children about the goddess tradition. I even use this book for adults. All the information, stories and ideas are well thought out, written and presented in a manner that is easy to follow and understand.

The Kid's Guide to Service Projects: Over 500 Service Ideas for Young People Who Want to Make a Difference (Self-Help for Kids Series)
Review Date: 2/27/2012

Great book is you have an older child 6-18. I only teach preschool but I loved this book when I was teaching schoolage children.

Race, Class, and Gender in the United States
Race, Class, and Gender in the United States
Author: Paula S. Rothenberg
Book Type: Paperback
  • Currently 4.5/5 Stars.
Review Date: 3/22/2015

I needed this book for a college course I was taking taking; and though some of the articles are a bit dated, they are still relevant and true. This is a great compilation of essays around sexism, classism, racism, heteroism and abilism.

Women's Magazines, 1940-1960 : Gender Roles and the Popular Press (The Bedford Series in History and Culture)
Review Date: 6/1/2015

An amazing collection of articles from the 1940-60's showing just how oppressed women were and how magazine media reinforced those oppressions. Great as a reference book, including magazine articles and advertisements. This book paints a clearer picture of the culture women in America were in, and the propaganda to get them back in the homes after their brief taste of freedom during WWII.

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