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Search - List of Books by Nathan Glazer

Nathan Glazer (born 1924) is an American sociologist who taught at the University of California, Berkeley and for several decades at Harvard University. He is a former co-editor of the now-defunct (but once highly influential) policy journal The Public Interest.

Known for books like Beyond the Melting Pot which deal with race and ethnicity, Glazer was critical of some of the Great Society programs of the mid-1960s and is often considered neoconservative in his thinking on domestic policy, though he remained a Democrat. Glazer has described himself as "indifferent" to the neoconservative label with which he is arguably most associated, and also remarked that it was an appellation not of his choosing.

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Early Postwar Career   more

Government Service, Academia, and the Public Interest   more

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This author page uses material from the Wikipedia article "Nathan Glazer", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0
Total Books: 38
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