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Search - List of Books by Julian Cope

"The people who make history are not the people who make it who are there but the people who make it and then write about it." -- Julian Cope
Julian Cope (born Julian David Cope, on 21 October 1957) is a British rock musician, author, antiquary, musicologist, and poet who came to prominence in 1978 as the singer and songwriter in Liverpool post-punk band The Teardrop Explodes. Since then, he has released many solo albums and is a founding member of both Queen Elizabeth and Brain Donor.

Cope has written four books of non-fiction: Krautrocksampler (1995), The Modern Antiquarian (1998), The Megalithic European (2004) and Japrocksampler (2007), plus two volumes of autobiography: Head-On (1994) and Repossessed (1999).

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This author page uses material from the Wikipedia article "Julian Cope", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0
Total Books: 13
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