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List created by Cynthia (simplycynz) - , on Jun 6, 2018
List Votes: 1 Books: 6 Contributors: 1 Watchers: 0 List Type: Closed
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Cynthia (simplycynz) - ,
Say Cheese and Die--Again! (Goosebumps, Bk 44) by R. L. Stine
PICTURE-PERFECT NIGHTMARE. Sourball. That's what Greg calls his English teacher, Mr. Saur. He's a real grouch. And now he just gave Greg a big fat "F" on his oral report. He didn't believe Greg's story. About the camera Greg found last summer. About the pictures...  more

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Cynthia (simplycynz) - ,
A Shocker on Shock Street (Goosebumps, Bk 35) by R. L. Stine
Two friends must survive being scared to death at a horror theme park in this creeptastic adventure from the Master of Fright. Erin Wright and her best friend, Marty, love horror movies. Especially Shocker on Shock Street movies. All kinds of scary creatures live on Shock Street. The Toadinator....  more

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Cynthia (simplycynz) - ,
The Haunted Mask II (Goosebumps, No 36) by R. L. Stine
Steve Boswell will never forget Carly Beth's Halloween mask. It was so gross. So terrifying. but this year Steve wants to have the scariest costume on the block. So he gets a mask from the same store where Carly Beth got hers. It looks like a creepy old man. With stringy hair. A wrinkled...  more

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Cynthia (simplycynz) - ,
The Beast from the East (Goosebumps, #43) by R. L. Stine
Just which species is the endangered one? When Ginger Wald gets lost in some weird woods with her twin brothers during a family camping trip, it's hard to tell! Especially when the kids meet some gigantic blue creatures that want to play a terrifying game of tag where winners get to live, and...  more

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Cynthia (simplycynz) - ,
Legend of the Lost Legend (Goosebumps, No 47) by R. L. Stine
TALK ABOUT A HORROR STORY... Nobody loves a good story like Justin's dad. He's a famous writer and story collector. That's how Justin and his sister, Marissa, ended up in Brovania. Their dad is searching for an ancient manuscript called The Lost Legend. Justin and Marissa want to help. But...  more

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Cynthia (simplycynz) - ,
Egg Monsters from Mars (Goosebumps, Bk 42) by R. L. Stine
It's the size of a softball. It's covered with blue and purple veins. It's the egg that Dana Johnson finds at Easter time--and it's no yolk! Neither is the slimy yellow creature inside. Is it really an egg monster from Mars?

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