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Book List - Unpostables

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<?=$who;?> Unpostables AVAILABLE:Wish listed or zero in system orders of 2 or more. All books are Paperback.
List created by Robin C. (bibliofiend60) - , on Jan 1, 2023
List Votes: 1 Books: 2 Contributors: 1 Watchers: 1 List Type: Closed
Robin C. (bibliofiend60) - ,
Curious Tides (Drowned Gods, Bk 1) by Pascale Lacelle
Emory might be a student at the prestigious Aldryn College for Lunar Magics, but her healing abilities have always been mediocre at best—until a treacherous night in the Dovermere sea caves leaves a group of her classmates dead and her as the only survivor. Now Emory is plagued by strange,...  more

Robin C. (bibliofiend60) - ,
Fiasco (Uncharted Hearts, Bk 2) by Constance Fay
Equal parts steamy interstellar romance and sci-fi adventure, Constance Fay's FIASCO is a perfect wild romp amidst the stars. Cynbelline Khaw is a woman of many names. She’s Generosity, a cultist who never quite fit in. She’s Bella, the daughter who failed to save her...  more

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Comment added 4/28/24 by Robin C. (bibliofiend60) - , :
Please note: All books on this list are PAPERBACK Advanced Reader Copies (ARC) and/or Uncorrected Proofs.

Comment added 4/28/24 by Robin C. (bibliofiend60) - , :
Comment deleted 4/28/24 by Robin C. (bibliofiend60) - ,